I don’t necessarily agree. In this case, my attempt to take the enemy was thwarted and rebuffed. By not getting my army destroyed I managed to save it, but did not succeed in taking my target. Perhaps my army should be disorganized, requiring a reorganization cost, to account for the retreat.
Also, the maps are random......this one was just ridiculously one sided, which is rare. Kudos to Olaf for coming off the hills at the end so we could get some good fighting in, but I don’t see these one sided maps that often. Also rare is running out of turns. That has never happened to me before......in fact not even close.
To be clear, I don’t mind taking on a hill or two, but this was a multi level hill complex......it looked like a castle. An attack against a very similar army (and very good opponent) would have been folly.
But I will abide by any decision......it is all fun anyway.