Alexander's Successors: Wars of the Diadochi - FGM Field of Glory II Campaign (NEW)

Against Nelson: 57 (seleucid) - 30 (lysimachid)

Nelson had a FIERCE elephant unit going through two whole pike units FROM THE FRONT. I could not believe my eyes! Somehow managed to turn it around later.

Against Wellsonian: 50 (antigonid) - 4 (lysimachid)

Thanks to my opponents!
Battle in Syria ongoing. The cavalry battles underway, the phalanxes are going to clash any minute. Nathan had me walk all the way to him. Not much of an attacker. :p
@Nathangun - good game!
I guess the cavalry was the deciding factor here. Looked a bit bleak at the beginning for me with two units fragmenting on first contact and breaking later. But that happy turn where your horse & infantry cascaded into panic turned it around. From then on I could attack with impunity.
Interesting map, too. Salt pan with a few pieces of rough ground. :)
Okay -- here we go -- ready for TURN 8:

RED (Antigonids) still hanging in there with PHRYGIA still under their control -- BLUE didn't leave a besieging force there, so the REDs retake control of it.

CAPPADOCIA is now under BLUE siege.

MESOPOTAMIA falls to the GREEN (Seleucids) as the garrison is eliminated.

Commanders -- ready for your orders.


@olaf @Nathangun @Nelson1812 @Wellsonian
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Here we go... order all played out.

First off, the YELLOW navy has one hell of an admiral (or the naval battle dice just went their way) --- first a GREEN fleet deploys and attacks and gets sunk.... then a BLUE fleet arrives and also promptly gets sunk.
YELLOW navy rules the LEVANT SEA!

There are NO barbarian incursions this turn.

RED: Builds a new army in its remaining province, PHRYGIA.

BLUE attacks into PHRYGIA from THRACE to try and finally snuff out the Antigonid kingdom, and also moves a follow up army from MACEDONIA into THRACE.

GREEN steals a march on BLUE and attacks first into CILICIA -- the BLUES had plans to attack SYRIA -- and also move a back up army from PARTHIA to MESOPOTAMIA.... and build up BACTRIA.

YELLOW just build a new army in JUDEA.

So there are TWO battles this round:



Please assign battle commanders!

GREEN steals a march on BLUE and attacks first into CILICIA -- the BLUES had plans to attack SYRIA -- and also move a back up army from PARTHIA to MESOPOTAMIA.... and build up BACTRIA.
Please assign battle commanders!

Yo, @Rico - I command the Greens attacking Cilicia. What battle parameter should I set for terrain?
Side A - Seleucid​
Side B - Lysimachid​
No Allies, 1200 pts, open battle​
Terrain - ????
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