American guns/ artillery/ self-prop arty

Eight army nurses sunbathing next to a Twin 40mm Bofors on a Coast Guard troop ship returning from Europe at the end of war, 1945.
What a time of life. Young and having survived the worst war in history. All possibilities are open and the rest of your life is an open book.
88th was a hardcore division.
Someday I would like to tour the Winter Line in Italy.

Nickname(s) "Fighting Blue Devils"
"Clover Leaf Division"

Throughout the war the 88th Infantry Division was in combat for 344 days.

When the 88th Infantry Division arrived in Italy, it consisted of approximately 14,000 men.

Total battle casualties: 13,111
Killed in action: 2,298
Wounded in action: 9,225
Missing in action: 941
Prisoner of war: 647


Almost 100% casualties from the original unit.
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