Any bored gifted map makers around?

Aerial view of Narva from Phantomajor-


Thank you both. I already found this one, but it is the best picture to make a map of Narva.
German map of Narva kindly sent to me by John Calvin from his website, date in top right corner seems to indicate 1941.
(The Germans spell it Narwa)


POS, could you send me that large map of Narva please.
It seems the download link has expired or bust which I posted on Aug 11th in post #30, Nathan should have downloaded it when he had the chance ha ha..:)
No problem i'll email John Calvin who runs the website where I got it from and ask him to send me a refreshed link.

PS- this is his site, you might like to browse it and see if there's any more interesting stuff-

Hey Aragorn if you've already got the map you could take screenshots of the parts Nathan needs and email them to him..:)
(I'd do it if I could but I deleted the map from my drive a while ago)
It is incredible accurate, yes. Thank you, POS, you are a prince among men.
Ha ha, all thanks to John Calvin, he's a retired US dood who methodically looks through the official historical archives at Washington DC and cherry-picks the juicest items to put in his website, he used to sell them to people (i've bought photo-batches from him in the past to post in FGM), but nowadays he gives it all away for free..:)
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