Anybody know about cameras?

..use peace of white paper as background..

Aach so...
I hadn't got a big white paper so I had to use two small sheets for this pic-

PS- The helo is no good, it won't fly, I'm taking it back to the shop tomorrow for exchange or refund
It only rises about 5 cms at full throttle and hovers there on a ground effect cushion and won't go any higher, then after about 2 minutes the battery is drained and it sinks down to the floor..
Sounds like a bad or old battery...
Mine can fly for about 5-7 mins...considering size of battery inside it's great...
Even if mine worked perfectly it'd still be disappointing because the instructions say it can only fly for 6 to 8 minutes before you've got the hassle of recharging it, and recharging takes 30 minutes.
Not much you can do in 6 to 8 minutes, I dunno why people bother buying 'em..
Well, like i said...can't expect more for battery of that size...But, they are still fun to fly :)
I'd be bored just flying it around indoors, I only got it so I could buzz the seagulls on the roof opposite at extreme range.
I had model tanks years ago and used to send them trundling down our garden to overun the sleeping cats but they quickly learnt to sleep in impassable terrain among the rocks and shrubbery where the tanks couldn't get at them..
This one is to light to fly outdoors. Even slightest breeze can destabilize it.
Wow, I just set my new digicam to 'Night landscape', poked it out my window and snapped this drizzly rainy shot; I say 'wow' because in real life it's pretty dim and dark out there despite the streetlights but the cam has brightened it up like an image intensifier, I never even had to use flash..:)
It actually sees better than the human eyeball at night, how kewl is that!
The only drawback is that you have to hold the camera rock steady for night shots because the shutter stays open longer at night to let more light in, you really need a tripod. I did this pic hand-held which is why it's not as sharp as a tripod pic would have been..

Yes, I've had everything on 'Auto' so far and it's pretty good because it does all my thinking for me, but experienced photographers can use the 'Manual' setting if they prefer using their own skills rather than rely on a machine..
A page from the manual-

That's nice. Lot's of small cameras does not have manual settings at all.
I see that this one can goes up to 30 secs of exposure - and that's more than enough for night shots.
Obviously, in this case tripod is a must...
Took this pic an hour ago. Tropical paradise?
Nah It's Plymouth UK, exotic palms and all, they're all over the place because they like the climate, not only are we Britains southernmost and warmest city, but we also get the balmy waters of the Gulf stream lapping our shores-
Oh sh*t the camera seems to have a fault, first me helo now this!
Look at this couple of pics I took today, there's a fuzzy grey blob near the top edge on the right-
(PS that's Eddystone Lighthouse on the horizon below the blob, 14 miles away. The other lighthouse is on the end of the breakwater just a couple of miles away)

Here's the bleddy blob again, i tried cleaning the lens but it's still there on most of the pics in exactly the same spot especially at full zoom, it must be inside the telescopic lens somewhere.
I can airbrush it out easily enough but i'll nip down the shop first to try to exchange it for a new 'un-
Okay I went back to the shop and exchanged the cam for this much better looking more expensive one, this one looks like a real mans camera, black and chunky, whereas the old one looked a bit poncey and more suited to a ladies handbag-


And here's a pic I just took with it of the dusk moon at full 10x zoom, not bad for a quarter-million miles away..:)
PS- the moon can be enlarged further on the computer with an image program such as Irfanview.
£109 quid, minus £70 for the old one, so I had to shell out the £39 difference, that's peanuts to we single, nonsmoking, nondrinking, nondriving doods, in fact our biggest problem in life is trying to decide what to spend our cash on next..:)
I'm still hoping to import a Russian bride but the last one I talked to wanted me to send her enough money to pay the air fare to Britain for her AND for her mother!
No way hozay, three's a crowd..
Still testing it out, I finally figgered how to get a good moon pic, you have to take manual control and set the shutter speed slow and the aperture size wide like this pic I took last night at full 10x zoom, then enlarged it further on the computer. It's not bad but the atmosphere blurs it a bit.

And nearer home, the zoom allows you to get up close to things like this-

Another 10x zoom yesterday afternoon, a kool futuristic stealth ship is coming into Plymouth Sound.
(Eddystone Lighthouse on the far horizon 14 miles away with the stump of the old light next to it)

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