Anyone want to play updated version of 'Counterattack on the Son'

@burroughs ... just had another look, clear as mud ...

Ignoring dropbox and CMH for a minute, my CMBN game folders show an incoming email folder file 065 (with tilde prefix showing CMH thinks it's actioned it) AND an outgoing email folder file 065 ...

Both cannot be right ... odd!

IIRC, I started our game off, so I did turn 001 ... so my files should all be odd numbers? Which I guess is why I thought CMH looked OK on the face of it showing my last outgoing turn as 065 ...

I've NOT yet tried doing another turn, in case it just confuses things even more!

Any thoughts as to where to go back to in order to get back on track?

OK, well I had a look at the date / time of the files, and tried to open them ...

065 in my incoming email was a file waiting for my Axis turn ... I had played that last time ...

065 in my outgoing email folder (still don't know how it has the same turn number ...) is a file awaiting an Allied turn, so didn't try to open it (couldn't have done anyway without your password, I assume)

So, I renamed that file to be 066, and that is now in our dropbox ... I hope that works OK for you for the next turn.

Let me know if you have a problem with it.
Anyone up to play this re-vamp still? I really dug the original.
@PhilM you can probably load up the latest game file in your dropbox and check to see which side it is. For example, if you're playing axis, but when you load the turn it displays US Army password screen, it is actually your opponents turn to put a new file in the dropbox. If your password screen comes up and you know you played a turn and saved it, check your outgoing email folder to make sure the file made it into dropbox.

You might have to double check CMH by right clicking on the game and making sure it didn't disassociate the dropbox folder from the game. If you right click the game and the top option is "Create Dropbox Folder", just click Edit Game and redirect CMH to the dropbox folder you guys are using. It might take some finagling. Hope that helps you

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like you sniped me with your own solution :)
@PhilM you can probably load up the latest game file in your dropbox and check to see which side it is. For example, if you're playing axis, but when you load the turn it displays US Army password screen, it is actually your opponents turn to put a new file in the dropbox. If your password screen comes up and you know you played a turn and saved it, check your outgoing email folder to make sure the file made it into dropbox.

You might have to double check CMH by right clicking on the game and making sure it didn't disassociate the dropbox folder from the game. If you right click the game and the top option is "Create Dropbox Folder", just click Edit Game and redirect CMH to the dropbox folder you guys are using. It might take some finagling. Hope that helps you

EDIT: Nevermind, looks like you sniped me with your own solution :)

Hey, thanks for suggesting a way forward. (I - and my opponent - have been away from the game for a few days, so I've just seen this ...)

Still not absolutely sure what went awry: the only answer I can think off means the game's auto-numbering wouldn't work as I thought it did ...

I have always assumed that the turn number is incremented by 1 over the incoming file number; but the game was proposing - and I was inattentively accepting - a file number the SAME as the incoming turn I'd just played.

But I do know from experience that (maddeningly - cannot understand why it does this), if you save off a turn part way through and finish it at a second sitting, the temporary save is given a (.bts) file number incremented by 1, then the final .ema file has another increment added, so the return file is 2 higher than the incoming file, not 1.

(ie I send out 081; my opponent sends me back 083 (not 082); my next send is auto numbered 083 as 2 higher than the prior send, but that is the same as the actual incoming ...)

So ... does the game NOT add 1 to the incoming file number, but instead add 2 to your last outgoing file number (on the assumption that your opponent has used the 1 in between)??? I didn't think it did work this way, but it's the only answer I could think off for why the game was auto numbering my outgoing turns with the same number as the incoming turn????

Don't think CMH was a problem in all of this: it was not working as expected, but only because the game was duplicating file numbers, nothing - as far as I can tell - to do with CMH per se.

Oh well ... one of life's mysteries!
@burroughs Hi there, thanks for alerting me of your vacation plans.

You said no turns until early August? Now the 7th, but latest file in the drop box is still my 072 from 14 July? Any update on when you will be able to play your next turn?
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