Following morning we are called to clear some suspicous clutter from a section of road, highly likely IEDs are involved.
But first our vehicles are rearmed and refueled.

Pic moments from disaster. I check the random objects that clutter the road for IEDs and find and disarm one. But my detection gear failed to notice one more bomb which explodes as the Stryker moves close to use it's plow to clear the road, taking me out and crippling the Stryker.

Fortunately the Stryker is fixable on the field but it's fuel tank was puntured requiring us to call for a fuel truck.
Continuing to clear the road, we come under attack by a squad of insurgents supported by a BRDM and another rocket pod technical.

But first our vehicles are rearmed and refueled.

Pic moments from disaster. I check the random objects that clutter the road for IEDs and find and disarm one. But my detection gear failed to notice one more bomb which explodes as the Stryker moves close to use it's plow to clear the road, taking me out and crippling the Stryker.

Fortunately the Stryker is fixable on the field but it's fuel tank was puntured requiring us to call for a fuel truck.

Continuing to clear the road, we come under attack by a squad of insurgents supported by a BRDM and another rocket pod technical.