I want to have a final whine about ARMA's cheating, glitching AI.
Josey and I were aiming up the stairs on the first level of the tower.
We knew an enemy was up there, so we were being cautious.
We waited. Suddenly, muzzle flashes from the wall! We both went down.
Last week, I was covering a building. In particular, a window in which I had seen movement.
My body was in cover behind a wrecked vehicle, with only my head showing.
I was ordered to hold fire by DoubleD, presumably because squadies were about to clear the second story.
Suddenly, I saw a tiny movement. The enemy's gun barrel poked through the wall. A flash, and it went dark. Grrrr.
One thing I found interesting in this week's session was coming under fire from the technical.
I had never experienced the concept of penetration in the game before.
I was fired at in the watch tower. I hit the deck, but the metal plates of the tower didn't protect me from the 50 cal rounds.
A couple of satisfying moments for me in the recent combat.
One was when DoubleD ordered me to cover our rear inside a long building.
I was thinking - well, it's unlikely we'll be attacked from there, but okay.
Sure enough, an enemy opened the door suddenly and I was able to take him out (not before he got off a short burst, but no one was hit luckily).
The other was when DoubleD opened the door to the dome facility.
An enemy in full gear including bullet proof vest was standing there, and I unleashed on him.
Despite his armour, 20 rounds from my LMG stiched him up nicely.