ArmA 3 session Sunday 5th September - 12:00 BST – British Summer Time

Should i cease development of the next missions in the campaign and switch over to using RHS?
A note for any AMD user. After a recent driver update, Arma 3 foliage stopped rendering. What you need to do is to turn off your ATOC settings. You get to it like this>

Main Menu/Options/Video/AA&PP/ATOC - Disabled.

All off a sudden, there is grass, trees have leaves and bushes can be seen!
Yea there is a problem with AMD alpha channels in arma.
Well i learned a couple of lessons from the mission:
-Just don't ever put the players in an AI heli.
-Don't do time limits.

For the missing radios and equipment in the arsenal:
I didn't properly unify the default loadout in the arsenal. I will fix this for next mission.

What did you guys think about the length of the mission?
At times, there were too much contacts. I think LAMBS plays into that. They all start to ignore orders and swarm. Try disabling it in attributes - AI Disabled in LAMBS AI.
At times, there were too much contacts. I think LAMBS plays into that. They all start to ignore orders and swarm. Try disabling it in attributes - AI Disabled in LAMBS AI.
Yea i did that for the friendly AI. They would sometimes run away from the airfield with it.
Where I scripted anything and there was an arsenal I had the AI held before anything happened. It’s often 30 minutes or more for everyone to be ready and rolling. I’d put a trigger which would be either a player activated trigger or trigger I would physically activate via the scroll menu. Generally I find pitting 3 times AI versus the number of players worked well when the players had to manoeuvre in open terrain or 4 to 5 if players are static defending against AI. If it’s urban or heavy jungle I do 1 to 2 times player count. Anything more and it gets tough, especially with ACE.
My operation, which is next in line to be played, has a battalion worth of infantry, some tanks and artillery pieces. I tested it with my group, 5 players + me as zeus/player, and it worked fine, I was even surprised by behavior of the AI. Even the motorized column held it's formation. At no point was there any swarming or contacts that were too hard for the group.

LAMBS has some great features, but IMO, it needs to be turned off for AI. They have enough trouble following given orders, let alone deciding for themselves...
I used the time variable and checked it in the missionFlow.fsm. But i should have made it start counting only after the players left the base. There was also the issue with in game time as it was supposed to be a timed invasion. When i made the mission i thought that 45 min would be plenty of time to complete the objective.
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