Attention New Member Aragorn2010

I hear they are working on the Hobbit now. I look forward to that.
Lord Bane
It isn't quite that obvious - although I have to confess I can't remember why he liked that nickname. :redface:

O, yes, you do. You know I love Tolkiens books. I could have chosen another name, such as Darjeeling or Lapsang souchong, but I prefer the name of this great lost and found king. :tea:

Thanks for all your words of welcome, people. I will try to live up to them.
Talking about LOTR. Version 2.0 of Third Age Total War (a splendid mod for Medieval Total War 2) has been released. It also contains a Fellowship campaign now.
Talking about LOTR. Version 2.0 of Third Age Total War (a splendid mod for Medieval Total War 2) has been released. It also contains a Fellowship campaign now.

Ah, so you're playing that and haven't even bothered asking for a quick MP game against me?! :tongue1:
Well, Orks are a really tough nut to crack in this game. Even if you win, the usually take 50% of oyur fighting forces with them, especially when some Uruks are around. The otehr question is: Did you try it on "Very Hard" - "Very Hard"?
Either way I do have teh feeling balance is better now in 2.0 - and there still are a load of submods that further change game balance if one should find it too easy.
Apparently I'm a totally useless player - most of the time I already get overrun on "Medium". very encouraging. Maybe I should stop playing at all... :(
My problem is I don't get the troops together before the enemy overruns me with three or four times the men I can build or have available at any given moment. So I must be doing something VERY wrong obviously.
And if you can't make enough money, then you do what they all did in real life, you cheat...You don't have to overdo it, but a couple of thousands can make all the difference.
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