Yeah, determining 'most dangerous' is tricky - for example, despite all the VERY venomous snakes in Australia, we have very few deaths per year. Aussies around snakes
tend to have a good attitude towards snakes (though by all means not always), and more importantly, we have very very good anti-venom and
lots of it. We've got very good at toxicology here

So from that perspective, while the inland taipan or the King Tiger might be VERY venomous, they don't kill nearly as many people as the cobra in India does... They also tend to be nowhere near as nasty as people think. Tigers are practically pansies (unless it's breeding season)!
6 of the most 10 most deadly by LD50 are found in Aus; nos. 1, 3, 4, 6,8 and 9.
by maximum fatalities from a single dose of venom; nos. 1, 3, and 4.
But it doesn't matter where it is on the scale when a bird throws one at you...