Day 80 in game time... still playing this in
Iron Man mode and my band is coming along nicely... we have the glint of chainmail and better shields, which is a sign of progress.
We have 14 men, 12 in the battle line and two reserves and we have a our rather cool looking battle standard.
Got two experienced archers and one surviving, experienced javelin guy (with a rookie replacement being trained up) -- always like to have at least two good javelin guys in the front row -- great for thinning out advancing enemy ranks.
It's been a tough road though ... 14 men have been lost along the way and any rookie's first 2 or 3 battles are harrowing and at times those early game, front row "arrow catchers" drop like flies.
The look of the band is a bit misleading ... as you retain better quality kit as you go along, but the quality level of the men doesn't quite match as you have to replace losses.
There's also been a weird shortage/absence of certain weapons 9either for sale or capture) -- have run into virtually no polearms and daggers, and the few enemies that had them that I took down, I wasn't able to loot them from them. The game algorithm does that sometimes... that, and early on the whole southern part of the map was swarming with goblins (hate those little fekkers!)