Battle Brothers -- bloody addictive game

Ok ... gonna toss in the towel on this campaign ... while my current crew is in pretty shape with pretty good armour and kit... and having survived the Greenskin Invasion and even managing to beat 4 - 5 Orc Warriors at a time, the map is just become boring with nearly half of towns & villages wiped out by the raiding Orcs and Goblins (had setting on "permanent destruction" -- so they don't get rebuilt after being raided and sdestroyed)


One of my last battles was "Orc Beserkers in the Moonlight" ...


....followed by "Dead Orc Beserkers in the Moonlight" :D ... the goblin archers made a run for it and no way to catch them in the snow... a very festive tableau. ;)


So it's back to humble beginnings and new motley assemblage of The Few Good Men ... we have our initial assortment of six armed peasants who have just killed "The Weasel" (the usual opening mission) ... let us see how we go from here.
Settings are everything Veteran (economy & combat) ... permanent destruction "off" ... will be saving if things get a little ridiculous...

I think Bootie has been a party member in so many games now that he should get a trophy.
"Congrats, you have been horribly maimed to death countless of times"

Have any of you guys figured out a good way to fight Necrosavants?
Cause those guys can go fuck themselves in a pool filled with napalm.
It's been a grim affair so far ... The Few Good Men remain small in number ... in 17 days game time I have lost as many men as I have managed to keep in my roster... alas Bootie the Brawler bit the dust quite early on.
Frederic the Rock is the only survivor of the starting three.


The map is a bitch with very awkwardly spaced towns with chunks of mountains in between and whole areas useless at this point because just covered in fortresses with no contracts so far ... and lots of choke points infested with bandit raider groups.
And for some reason food and supplies are incredibly expensive EVERYWHERE! :oops:

Here is the current, bloodied, battered yet unbowed (if on the verge of starving) band ... Vartuoosi the Cultist being the latest cheap sign-up, who didn't do too badly in his first battle, even if only equipped with rags, a hood and sword and militia shield.

Amazingly, none of this bunch is carrying any permanent, disfiguring wounds ... probably because so far, everybody just gets killed outright...

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