Battle DAR: Sie Kommen 2 (Axis)

Hi all,

sorry to have interrupted the DAR so suddenly - don't worry, I haven't bailed on it or anything. Just got massively caught up in work and Christmas preparations and had absolutely no time left for anything. Since Christmas I have been out of town skiing with my family with no access to my gaming PC.

BUT, tomorrow I return home and will have the next installment up asap. And since my girlfriend and son are staying here with her folks for another week, I should be able to post updates regularly for a while :).

Thanks to everyone who has been reading so far, I hope for your continued patronage!
Eyes Wide Shut

So, it's finally time to revive this DAR after a prolonged hiatus.

You may remember that we left the battlefield after Obgfr. Hanker and his crew in the SPW 251/10 halftrack took out two approaching US recon vehicles. The "cliffhanger" was my mention that things hadn't gone so well everywhere, which brings us straight to the next chapter in this report (happening concurrently to Hanker's exploits), which as you will see is very appropriately entitled...

I had previously mentioned that on my forces' right flank (on the crest of main ridge), the scouting LMG team had spotted a platoon of enemy infantry running through the open field across the river towards the bridge, and the PSW 234 sitting nearby (with an even better view of the terrain) had basically failed to notice anything. This state of affairs sadly not only continues, but soon proceeds to get worse to the point of being plain silly. The PSW has not been able to convert its excellent LOS to the area the GIs are running through into anything besides a single "?" for the better part of three minutes (admittedly, they have been buttoned up for most of that time, but still...). At 44:57, the LMG team spots a new unit near the single house by the bridge objective: another M8 which is pulling up to the bridge from behind the house.


A Greyhound rumbles into view close to the bridge at 44:57.

Almost needless to say, the three stooges and their rear-facing friend in the PSW fail entirely to notice this. To be fair, the M8 also doesn't see my scout car – in the Americans' defense, their vehicle is in motion and not pointed towards the PSW, but on the other hand they are not buttoned.
Patient as I am, I give the PSW crew about 10 seconds to peel their eyes away from their naughty pictures – but to no avail. They can't even manage a "?" icon. WTF? Range is 140 meters, visibility is fair (overcast) and there are no obstructions in the LOS to the position of the enemy vehicle! Disbelievingly, I order the PSW to unbutton and give it a narrow target arc covering the M8. This isn't even gamey as far as I am concerned, since the LMG team which can see the Greyhound clearly (even though they are in a far worse position) is less than 50 meters away from the PSW. For a moment I even consider ordering the PSW to area fire the location of the Greyhound, but dismiss that idea as a bit on the gamey side. Plus it might not work anyway, and cause the M8 to spot and kill the PSW.
Seconds tick by and nothing happens. The M8 is stationary on the road near the end of the bridge. Occasional rifle shots start coming in again aiming for the PSW, but they do not hit the vehicle at first and the PSW suffers no suppression. After about half a minute of stalemate, the M8 begins to turn slowly towards the bridge. Still no reaction from the PSW. Check out these two screenies showing the positions of the two vehicles. It's completely unbelievable to me that they fail to spot each other:


The M8 as seen (or not) from the perspective of the PSW (zoomed slightly for emphasis). Would be funny if it weren't so sad.


The PSW as seen (or not) from the perspective of the Greyhound. Could the circular MG mount be blocking the commander's sight? God only knows...

About a minute into this farce (44:53), the PSW finally buttons back up after a few rifle rounds have hit it, and shortly thereafter, the M8 moves onto the bridge and is lost to sight. This again is kind of weird, as both the LMG team and the PSW have "reverse slope" LOS to most of the bridge, and the M8 is noticeably taller than the low wall forming the bridge's "railing". The scout car remains invisible, however. I am appalled. In my opinion, this result was extremely unrealistic, not to say impossible. If I get a chance, I might just run a test on spotting for scout cars in the editor, because it almost feels like a bug to me. Opinions welcome, by the way...

Anyhow, I decide to leave the PSW in its place just in case I get lucky somehow, but mostly because I am so furious with their performance. Let 'em at least draw some bullets so the LMG can maybe spot a few more men (though the entire platoon of Amis seems now to have moved across the bridge as well)! Another minute later (with no further spottings by anyone), however, I am wrenched out of my sullen childishness by a rifle grenade landing near the PSW (43:54) and causing minor damage to the wheels:


My stupidity and anger nearly cost me my PSW (43:54).

This is not long after Hanker and his men have finished off the M8 and Jeep on their side of the map, so I decide to move both my vehicles to new positions, before the enemy has enough time to hurt them and hopefully to be better prepared for the inevitable attack on the church objective.

While I didn't lose anybody in this "encounter", I am still very unhappy with it, as it is further proof of the blindness of the PSW crew (I am now skeptical of placing this vehicle anywhere as a defensive asset), and it also means I have wasted a good chance to hurt the enemy before he attacks the church. All the more work for 3rd Platoon, then...

Finally, to end this installment on a positive note, the US opening barrage has also ended while all this was going on (at about 45:30), and it caused no casualties. Thus I have been able to send 1st Platoon up towards the first building on the left flank before the enemy is able to cut them off. As a bonus, while the men of 3rd Platoon are running towards their destination, they intersect the first road objective, and it turns out to be of the "touch" variety. I therefore expect the other two road objectives to be the same, which would make it easier for me to gather the points for them.


Two squads and the LMG team of 1st Platoon arrive at the first building along the road unscathed (44:55).

Since things are relatively quiet at this point, the next installment will feature a current situational overview, orders for my two vehicles as well as my expectations, hopes and plans for the next phase of the battle.
Great Stuff, you would think at 140m that these two AFV's would spot each other.... I agree with your assessment of WTF.... in my next post for my DAR I have a AFV appear within one second and only 25m from a truppen standing in the street firing in the direction of the AFV... and a burning vehicle is lighting up the night right next to both of them (I am sure that light from vehicles do not improve spotting)... I also did a WTF... time for a test or two...

Thanks for the entertaining DAR... I admire you doing this in a RT game...
SitRep ca. 44:00

Following the initial sightings and exchanges described above, the action peters off for a while – leaving me time to survey the battlefield, analyze the situation and adapt my plan and orders.

Speaking of time...let me explain in a few sentences exactly how I play CMBN. Some comments have been made regarding my playing this battle in real time, and the challenges and advantages provided thereby. Fact is, CMx2's RT mode is a godsend for me as it suits my play style just about optimally: First and foremost, I hate wrist-twitching click-fests like the plague. Second, I like to have as much control as possible over every aspect of a strategy game like this. I want to micromanage and babysit my units to make the most out of their capabilities (since the AI isn't going to help me much there), and yet I don't want to miss any action or events, even if they are small. Combined with the lack of a replay function for RT play, my gaming attitudes equate to my pausing the game rather a lot. I might average one pause every 10 seconds or so for the whole battle, but several micro-pauses per second are not rare when the action is intense. So what I do is this: I let time pass only while watching in a camera perspective that lets me see all of my unit icons if at all possible (usually level 4, but may be lower when I am watching a particular firefight more closely). Whenever anything happens (new enemy spotted, friendly casualty, reinforcements arrive, orders need to be given, etc.), I pause the game, zoom in on wherever it is I want to see or do something, and take my time about giving orders. When I'm good and ready, I go back to the overview perspective and run the time again (sometimes only as long as it takes me to hit ESC's kinda fun trying to catch rounds in midair just before they hit). This stop-and-go style is exacerbated by the need to take screenshots for the DAR in this particular battle. It also means my games in RT probably take quite a bit longer than most folks' games take in TB mode.

Yeah, I can hear some of you groaning at the thought, and I see the understanding smiles of a few others in between. I'm not here to argue in favor of any style of playing CM – there are plenty of other forum threads out there for that purpose. I intend neither to participate in any of them, nor to turn this into another RT vs. TB discussion. As far as I am concerned, everybody is free to play any way they like, and I think it's wonderful that CMx2 caters to so many different styles of play. I like the way I can play it, and if you like the way you can play it, then it's all good. Mind you, I have nothing against a good PBEM at all. They can be tedious, but that's always only due to issues with reliability regarding the players themselves (and I am no exception).

If there are any questions regarding this discourse, go right ahead. But please take any opinions as to whether my way of playing qualifies me or you as the better person or "more realistic" CM player elsewhere or keep them to yourself. With all due respect, you may think I'm nuts or gamey or a ham and cheese sandwich if you like – I couldn't care less. We all bought the game and each of us can do with it what he (or she) likes.

Soooo...with that out of the way, lets get back to the battle. I'll start you off with a slightly crowded and confusing overview shot taken at about 44:00. Don't worry, I will explain all my sloppy, unprofessional markings:


Overview of the battlefield at 44:00.

The red arrows show the expected possible attack routes of the two platoons of US infantry with their support. Since the Amis have no real reason to attack anyplace but the church (as far as I know), I strongly expect the platoon from the northeast, which is moving quickly onto and across the stone bridge, to assault the church objective at close quarters by coming over main ridge where the blue line is. It will take some time for them to arrive and form up for the attack, as there are still men who haven't reached the bridge yet. I expect them no sooner than 5 minutes from now. The platoon approaching from the northwest, whose vehicle support was decimated by Obgfr. Hanker, may do one of two things: they might join up with the other platoon behind main ridge for a larger assault. This would make it pretty difficult for my 3rd Platoon to hold the church, I'm afraid. However, my gut feeling is that these units will attempt to approach the church from a more westerly direction in order to flank 3rd Platoon. Whether they will come along the road or thereabouts, or take a larger hooking approach (the interrupted arrow) to stay behind the loping hill on the western side of the map as long as possible, I don't know. Whichever way they flank, though, they will come into the sights of the ahead elements of 1st Platoon gathering around the southernmost building and hopefully be blunted before they can get close to the church.

The yellow lines show the orders I am giving to my two vehicles at this point: Hanker in his SPW will reverse off spotter ridge and hurry over to the southern building to support that flank along with 1st Platoon. He is intended to find a good position with some tree cover and LOS to as much of the road, and the sloping open field ahead of the building as possible. This way he will also be able to fall back behind the building if things get too hot for him. Meanwhile, the hitherto completely inefficient PSW, commanded by a certain Bergmann, will reverse away from the infantry taking potshots at it and move over east behind a fence on the forward slope of spotter ridge, concealed from the expected main assault on the church by the trees around it, and with a good view towards the second road objective and the field beyond. If Bergmann can ever take off his blindfold, he should be able to get flanking shots on any vehicles pushing down the road, and possibly move quickly to help defend the church directly if need be.

Finally, the overview shows two support missions in green: the area target in the northeast corner is the one ordered by my CO HQ on the Amis approaching the bridge, but will be cancelled as I expect them to have vacated the area before it comes in. I think I can get my FO to direct the 81mm mortar onto a better area – more on this below. The linear mission along the road is a 120mm mortar strike. I had forgotten to mention in the last installment that this valuable asset was the first of my reinforcements to arrive at about 45:00. This "multi-purpose" stonk is intended to keep the northwestern enemy platoon from linking up with the northeastern one behind main ridge, and also to bomb the crap out of them if they decide to rush up along the road to flank the church.

Following are individual shots of the orders for my two vehicles to give you a better idea of where they will be going. Please note that these screenies were not all taken at exactly the same time, thus you may notice orders from the previous installment overlapping. This is just because I try to put things that belong together tactically in the same post while having to meet the "5 image maximum" requirement. The difference is a mere couple of seconds:


The orders for Bergmann's PSW.


The orders for Hanker's SPW.

Here is where I intend to order a fire mission for the 81mm mortar as soon as it acknowledges the cease fire order. The FO has marginal LOS to the area, but should be able to pull something off that will hurt the enemy (and hopefully not 3rd Platoon):


The next target planned for the 81mm mortar.

Finally, looking closely at 3rd Platoon's positions around the church, I find several of the fireteams either out of C2 or with bad LOS to the crest of the ridge, so I jostle them around a bit to improve their defensive setup. You can't really see this well in the shot, but I had one left in this installment, so there it is:


3rd Platoon crawling to better defensive positions around the church.

And that wraps up this installment. Tune in tomorrow to see whether I was far off the mark in my assessment! Remember one of the good things about RT is you can skip right over the boring parts so quickly...I promise there will be action!
More Amis a-comin'...

So, back on the DAR after RL got in the way yet again.

The plans and maneuvers outlined in the last installment are carried out without incident, and something of a lull ensues for a few minutes. The only thing to happen during this time is that my 81mm mortar reports back in and is trained on main ridge beyond the church by my FO. This is where I expect a major push by the GIs to happen as soon as they have formed up behind the ridge:


The 81mm mortar strike planned on main ridge. On the right you can see the 120mm strike on the road, which should begin firing spotting rounds any moment.

Just as I am getting bored with watching the seconds tick by, something finally happens: at 40:50, a good nine minutes into the battle, several infantry contacts start popping up moving towards the intersection closest to the church. First to be spotted is a platoon HQ near the knocked out M8, followed a few seconds later by an "XO team" (CO level?) charging across the open field from the left flank. Within 30 seconds, 2 infantry squads join in, one behind each of the original contacts. All of them are moving toward the vicinity of road objective 2:


Top left: The platoon HQ (note the radio), Top right: The XO team, Bottom: all four spotted units, plus the mortars they are hopefully running into...

So, a platoon sized force seems to be scouting here. I decide not to take the bait yet, waiting for the 120mm strike to come down, and for the enemy to come closer. I let no-one fire, though a few of my units by the church and in the building down the road can see the approaching infantry. Then suddenly (40:05) another unit is spotted:


Another Greyhound comes into sight, moving quickly over the open field towards the intersection. Note my PSW in the background.

This is going to be interesting, I think...and the last chance for Bergmann and his PSW crew to redeem themselves. If they can't spot this vehicle, they will be toast for sure. I bite my nails as the two vehicles spot each other practically simultaneously. The Greyhound opens fire first with its MG (39:55), the rounds spraying off the PSW's hood in all directions. Then the main gun of the M8 fires and penetrates Bergmann's vehicle, incapacitating the driver. "Dammit", I think, "that's it then." But surprisingly seems to have been what it took to wake up Bergmann's crew, for a second later (had to wipe the driver's blood off the sights) his gunner pulls the trigger and sticks a short burst of 20mm rounds into the Hound. Then he has to reload. Crap.


The exchange between the M8 and Bergmann's PSW.

I bite my nails some more as seconds tick by, but the M8 doesn't seem to be able to respond. A red cross appears above it, and at 39:45 the crew bails. Huzzah! Bergmann has pulled off a kill (and I have suffered my first casualty).


After an incredibly long 9 seconds, the M8 crew exits their vehicle.

So, another small victory. At this point I allow my infantry in and around the building down the road to open fire on the approaching enemy squishies. Between them, the PSW (only lightly damaged by the 37mm round to the front), the SPW, and the 120s, this daring US platoon should not last long...find out in the next installment!
Nicelly done, Rereading this. Im personally seting up right now with my CMBN game buddy a head to head version of this campaing as Fredrocker designed, Im reading your DARs to see what I can expect. Cheers
Fresh Cannon Fodder - And Cannons!

After the dispatching of another enemy scout car in the last installment, this post is full of more units showing up on both sides. Only seconds after the crew of the unlucky M8 hit the ground next to their destroyed vehicle, two platoons of infantry arrive to support my cause (39:41). Since they are once again 1st and 3rd platoons of a different company, and I hate going by descriptions such as 3/116 etc., I will henceforth refer to them as A Platoon and B Platoon. Sorry if the grogs don't like it.

Anyhow, the GUI says that these men are "Rifle" as opposed to "Fusilier", but they are very similarly equipped with two exceptions: they lack the two MG42 teams per platoon that my Fusiliers have, but instead come with a Panzerschreck team attached to each platoon. This I like, as I really need AT if I am going to be facing tanks as per the briefing, and I already have four MG42 teams on the map which have trouble finding good positions due to the undulating terrain.

See the screenies for the starting locations and orders of the new arrivals:


A Platoon arrives on the little patch of land "cut off" by the river in the SE corner of the map.

I decide to send A Platoon forward to back up my small scouting force on main ridge up ahead. There is nothing happening there right now, but in the case of more Amis showing up and attempting to flank the church from main ridge on the right, the firepower added by A Platoon will be able to hold them off better than just the LMG team and CO HQ alone...


B Platoon arrives just west of the river. Note the 81mm spotting round falling on target in the background.

B Platoon will move forward towards the church in support of the Fusiliers there. I will leave them mostly behind main ridge for now – they need to scout carefully over the rise, for they will be within LOS of a lot of locations at the apex, and I don't want to expose more men than necessary. If I find the approach too dangerous, I might consider a smoke screen, though I would rather let my mortars keep throwing HE at the US squishies.

This caution turns out to be well-founded when at 39:21, as my reinforcements are moving up, the following appears near the bridge objective:


Two Stuarts enter the battlefield in the NE corner of the map by the bridge.

This is not so good as I have very little to counter these tanks with at the moment – just my two vehicles, which are not guaranteed a kill against any aspect of an M5, plus the Schreck near the church and a few Fausts. I need to get my two reinforcement Schrecks into positions ASAP, and hope my StuG shows up soon.

Meanwhile, at least the carnage against the US platoon moving towrds the church is in full swing. My 120s are coming down very precisely (and the 81s are ranging in nicely on main ridge), and they have more or less pinned two of the squads of GIs (with the third not yet in sight), while the platoon HQ and XO team are dashing foward basically unsupported. The HQ makes it pretty far forward before finally yielding to the crossfire of the PSW, the MG 42 near the church and occasional bullets from my units in the building down the road. Two men go down and the other two crawl into cover in a rubbled section of low wall. I hope to exterminate them soon so they don't get a chance to call in those dastardly 60mm mortars that must be lurking near their friendly map edge...


Bergmann's PSW zeroes in on the US platoon HQ and incapacitates one man (39:07).

The Amis attacking on foot have taken probably 6 or 7 casualties at this point, a little hard to follow the kill count in RT. Their assault has the wind taken out of it for now, though, at no cost in manpower to me except for the driver of the PSW.

The Stuarts seem to have a purpose, however: they start driving towards the road bridge quickly, but stop near the building, smartly covering B Platoon's approach to the church more or less completely. They are also not alone, as some infantry contacts including a CO HQ are spotted following them forward. A Jeep also appears and seems headed towards the shallow ford by the eastern map edge, right in front of my scouts on main ridge. Seems A Platoon may be just in time to help them out!


More US infantry is seen in the vicinity of the bridge.

So, everyone will continue doing what they are doing except for B Platoon, who will hunker down behind main ridge to wait for the Stuarts to move – or a smoke screen to be laid down if they don't.

Surprising twists will follow in the next installment as the action heats up in a hitherto "quiet" area of the battlefield. Stay tuned!
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