Battle of Clervaux (Allied DAR)

Death of a German platoon. I look back at the carnage of a failed attack on one side of the town. Thinking to my self that's a good wast of fine infantry.

Sadly for my troops hitting the Hun hard the sheer numbers of men and tank's are killing me down to nothing tho my kia wia are lite to his. I just lost the last of my 3 M36's

But before It went down i got one more kill out of my last M36.

So German commandos stole 2 M10's lucky we did not let them put them to yous!
Update !!! German scout force destroyed. on MSR to the town of Eselborn. 75mm at gun made both kills.
In the town of Clervaux. My last Sherman kills a pzr 4 and a troop transport track filled with infantry. Before going down to enemy fire.
Tho are hold on Clervaux is slowly being smashed with the sheer number of German troops. Are Reinforcements have arrived! bringing are fighting strength to brigade level.

707th tank battalion (full tank Bat.)

422th Arm. Inf. (full Arm. Inf. Bat.)

423rd Inf. Bat. (full inf. Bat.)

708th TD (2x M18 companies)
I dont no y he did this move? the mighty dutch had to know thy were their. my Priest platoon. destroyed 3 panzer 4 tanks wen thy tried to break out of the narrow path.
I think the Dutch Grenadier is starting to feel the heat. :2charge:
My next post will be my updated battle plan on were I'm going to move my troops and tanks! to take back Clervaux and take my other objectives. capturing the road to Marnach being 1.
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