Battle of Clervaux (AXIS DAR) (Ronnoc stay out :D)


Dutch Grenadier


It is the morning of December the 17th 1944. The Germans launched a surprise attack trough the Ardenne wich will later be known as the Battle of the Bulge. On this morning they aproched the town of Clervaux. The Germans needed this town to push further towards Eselborn and Belgium.

I've created this scenario after Ronnoc contct me about doing another massive battle. This is a semi historical scenario to keep things even. The units participating are semi historical correct.
I used the Marnach master map and altered it. I've cut of the Marnach part and eddited the Eselborn part. The map is still 3.5x2.5km.

Skorzany's commandos :) (American stragler platoon, 2x jeep MHG, 2x M10)
116th Pz. Div. (full panzer Bat.) (Panther and PzIV)
116th Pz. Div. (JpzIV/70 platoon)
116th Pz. Div. (StugIII platoon)
Grenadier Regiment 77 (full Volksgrenadier Bat. + 1xSturmtiger)
Fuselier Regiment 39 (full inf. Bat. +2x Flak88, Flak halftrack)
16th Pz. Grenadiers (full panzer grenadier Bat.)
2x off map rocket battery
2x off map 105mm battery

My mission:
-capture the town of Clervaux
-capture the town of Eselborn
-defend the road to Marnach
-capture the ammodump (there are 3 possible locations. I need to find it)

Turn 1 has just started.
Skorzany's mission is to eleminat enemy defences so the main army can advance.
They are to find the ammodump location and to disrupt the artillery position on top of the hill overlooking Clervaux. (boy I wished I could have seen the look on Ronnoc's face once he spotted American GI's firing on his own troops :2charge:)

Infantry supported by Stug's will move down this road and enter the town (left). Infantry supported by JpzIV's will move up, cross the bridge and enter the town from the right.

Now that Skorzany has destroyed the AT gun covering the bridge the top unit will set up blocking position here. The other units will move up the road towards Clervaux. (infantry supported by PzIV's)

The rest of my plan will be revealed once Clervaux is captured.
My troops are advancing with a good pace. Seems like Ronnoc put up a road block on the bridge.
I'm afraid my armor will need to go around since te bridge is blocked. Smart move by Ronnoc.
The Volksgrenadiers coming down the hill are taking massive casualties. About half a platoon is killed or wounded due to small arms and a M16 AA halftrack in the town. 2 Stug's got knocked out. I'm stil moving towards the town but with a steady pace.

The Volks company coming from the other side is moving with good pace. Not much contact. Just a few dug in infantry in the woods but they are destroyed.

(sorry forgot to take screens. Will correct that with the next turn)
German infantry await orders to assault the town outskirts.

2 destroyed StuG's on the hill.

I'm moving another company of Volks in from the hill. I need to get hold of the outskirts before I can advance.
Holy crap this is gonna be a tough fight. Advancing trough snow is more difficult then I knew. Tanks and vehicles move really slowly. Ronnoc is giving me a good puch in the stomach right now... But I'm not in the roops yet :D
My reinforcements have arrived! But they are being held up by the bad weahter so their progress towards the fronline is very slow.
I've halted my advance towards Clervaux from the hill. To many losses... :(

The assault on the town from the North is going wel. Troops have entered the outskirts of the town.
I'm finnaly hurting him. I've knocked out his first tank

Infantry are clearing the woods to cover my assault on Clervaux

It will take awhile before my main force will arrive but I will keep the presure on him!

In the meantime my commandos are advancing deeper in enemy territory.
Im pushing deeper and deeper into Clervaux. I've knocked out a few M36's but lost a about 5 tanks in the progress. Bad thing was that those tanks were filled with troops of infantry :(

I've managed to remount my Sturmtiger so he is operational again. Near the Ardenne Abbey elemenst of the commandos got into contact with a few Chaffee's and his artillery platoon. Knocking out my 2 stolen M10's.

Next turn will do a massive screenshot update
On the hills surounding Clervaux some PzIV's from my reinforcements have setup position and start picking off targets. Their first kill was a Sherman.

More troops are moving towards Clervaux but just as the real deal I'm facing with the difficulties of the terrain. Snow and narrow roads hinder my advance.

On the South side I made a third attemd to come down the slops of the hill only my troops came under heavy small arms fire again. Leaving many dead on the slopes.

On the Western aproach a few PzIV's were knocked out. As said before these troops carried infantry but they were killed in the blasts.

I'm moving into Clervaux from the Northen side and start to clear the houses one by one...
It is a really hard battle indeed. I've suffered heavy casualties on the Sout-Eastern apraoch. Once I have Clervaux I'll come with my second part of my plan and with a causalty update.

Moving into Clervaux slowly killing more of his units. Just destroyed another M36.
Up on the slopes near Ardenne Abbey a Chaffee tried to sneak up on my forces. Only to be knocked out on close range.

Inside Clervaux 2 Jgpz's spotted 2 Shermans. A duel of death is what followed with a very nice outcome :)

I forgot to make a video of some close combat infantry fighting. Will see if I can make some next turn. My infantry is moving into Clervaux and spotted some of Ronnoc's infantry out in the open.
As said before. Here is a video of the close combat of his infantry caught in th eopen. They are slaughtered... :panzer:

He is pounding me with artillery on the outskirts of Clervaux but luckely all my forces are already out of the kill zone.
My reinforcements are finnaly getting near Clervaux. They will help with the consolidation of the area.
We are a few days and turns further. I have captured about 50% of Clervaux. Ronnoc is putting up a stiff resistance but I'm getting there. His last tank just got knocked out. It is time to also start reorganise my units because there is sound contact on the far US lines indicating his reinforcements have arrived.

I'm also facing with the hard logistical problems the Germans had with the narrow roads and deep snow so my forces are moving slowly towards Clervaux. I hope they get there in time to help hold it and push on.
It has been awhile since I've updated my action report. Not much action has happened. Small action in Clervaux. I'm holding a status quo at the moment. It is going to rain hell on the last remaining defenders.
I'm moving my units slowly down the hill but those nearow roads are a pain in the ass.

Near the abbey I made an costly error. I moved some of my tanks forward but they were destroyed by armor that, to my surpirse, was still there. I made an attempt to storm the abby but my infantry was held of.

Recon units made contact on the road towards Elsenborn. They were knocked out by a well placed AT gun. That gun was in return knocked out by Panthers who were following the recon units.

Will see if I can post some pics next turn.
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