Dutch Grenadier
It is the morning of December the 17th 1944. The Germans launched a surprise attack trough the Ardenne wich will later be known as the Battle of the Bulge. On this morning they aproched the town of Clervaux. The Germans needed this town to push further towards Eselborn and Belgium.
I've created this scenario after Ronnoc contct me about doing another massive battle. This is a semi historical scenario to keep things even. The units participating are semi historical correct.
I used the Marnach master map and altered it. I've cut of the Marnach part and eddited the Eselborn part. The map is still 3.5x2.5km.
Skorzany's commandos
(American stragler platoon, 2x jeep MHG, 2x M10)
116th Pz. Div. (full panzer Bat.) (Panther and PzIV)
116th Pz. Div. (JpzIV/70 platoon)
116th Pz. Div. (StugIII platoon)
Grenadier Regiment 77 (full Volksgrenadier Bat. + 1xSturmtiger)
Fuselier Regiment 39 (full inf. Bat. +2x Flak88, Flak halftrack)
16th Pz. Grenadiers (full panzer grenadier Bat.)
2x off map rocket battery
2x off map 105mm battery
My mission:
-capture the town of Clervaux
-capture the town of Eselborn
-defend the road to Marnach
-capture the ammodump (there are 3 possible locations. I need to find it)
Turn 1 has just started.
Skorzany's mission is to eleminat enemy defences so the main army can advance.
They are to find the ammodump location and to disrupt the artillery position on top of the hill overlooking Clervaux. (boy I wished I could have seen the look on Ronnoc's face once he spotted American GI's firing on his own troops
Infantry supported by Stug's will move down this road and enter the town (left). Infantry supported by JpzIV's will move up, cross the bridge and enter the town from the right.

Now that Skorzany has destroyed the AT gun covering the bridge the top unit will set up blocking position here. The other units will move up the road towards Clervaux. (infantry supported by PzIV's)

The rest of my plan will be revealed once Clervaux is captured.
It is the morning of December the 17th 1944. The Germans launched a surprise attack trough the Ardenne wich will later be known as the Battle of the Bulge. On this morning they aproched the town of Clervaux. The Germans needed this town to push further towards Eselborn and Belgium.
I've created this scenario after Ronnoc contct me about doing another massive battle. This is a semi historical scenario to keep things even. The units participating are semi historical correct.
I used the Marnach master map and altered it. I've cut of the Marnach part and eddited the Eselborn part. The map is still 3.5x2.5km.
Skorzany's commandos
116th Pz. Div. (full panzer Bat.) (Panther and PzIV)
116th Pz. Div. (JpzIV/70 platoon)
116th Pz. Div. (StugIII platoon)
Grenadier Regiment 77 (full Volksgrenadier Bat. + 1xSturmtiger)
Fuselier Regiment 39 (full inf. Bat. +2x Flak88, Flak halftrack)
16th Pz. Grenadiers (full panzer grenadier Bat.)
2x off map rocket battery
2x off map 105mm battery
My mission:
-capture the town of Clervaux
-capture the town of Eselborn
-defend the road to Marnach
-capture the ammodump (there are 3 possible locations. I need to find it)
Turn 1 has just started.
Skorzany's mission is to eleminat enemy defences so the main army can advance.
They are to find the ammodump location and to disrupt the artillery position on top of the hill overlooking Clervaux. (boy I wished I could have seen the look on Ronnoc's face once he spotted American GI's firing on his own troops

Infantry supported by Stug's will move down this road and enter the town (left). Infantry supported by JpzIV's will move up, cross the bridge and enter the town from the right.

Now that Skorzany has destroyed the AT gun covering the bridge the top unit will set up blocking position here. The other units will move up the road towards Clervaux. (infantry supported by PzIV's)

The rest of my plan will be revealed once Clervaux is captured.