Battle of Clervaux (AXIS DAR) (Ronnoc stay out :D)

Alright after many turns of little action here is a small update so far:

After a massive nebelwerfer bombardment on Clervaux I've continued my advance into the town killing any remaining soldiers.
A small group of soldiers remaining in the church are being pussed into cover with small arms fire after they are killed with a flamethrower :p

Troops passing a burning tank in Clervaux

Near Eselborn I have a few Panthers on overwatch. They exchanged fire with a few 57mm AT guns. Gues who won :p
The 57mm rounds are no match for the Panthers frontal armor

Massive sound contacts on the horizon meaning he is moving forward with his reinforcements.

Battle rages on :2charge:
I've made an massive tactical error (I can punch myself in the head for this one)! A few turns ago a noticed sounds contact in this gap thinking no armor or units can go down this slope I ignored it... Forgot about it and now...

These basterds showd up in the back of my force probing Eselborn with major losses

6 halftracks and 2 panthers destroyed

This calls for drastic counter meassures
Ronnoc moved in about 20+ tanks covered by a smokescreen. Once the screen went away it was a good old show down of 20+ Shermans vs 6 PzIV's. 3 guesses who won :mad:...

At least the bloody ambushing Chaffee is destroyed by a panzerfaust :p

Meanwhile I'm closing in on Clervaux castle where the last of Ronnoc's forces are holding in a heroic last stance.
As said in my previous post Ronnoc moved up about 20+ tanks and destroyed several of mine it was time for payback. I move 2 Panthers down the slopes of the hill and got around in his flank. These 2 Panthers made it down

These are the hits his Shermans scored before 1 was knocked out and the other got severly damaged

But my final score is 2 Panthers out of action vs 6+ of his Shermans

Up in the North near Eselborn I managed to break true his Chaffee blockade with a few Panthers. Destroying about 7 or more of his Shermans.
In total I think I lost 5 Panthers vs about 18+ Shermans/Hellscats. Now that is a nice kills/death ratio :D

The last of his remaining forces are being mopped up in Clervaux castle but I'm feeling the presure of Ronnocs force's who are knocking on the outskirts of Clervaux's doors.
Alright Ronnoc just got really (well I mean extreem) lucky! I had a massive Nebelwerfer bombardment planned which was about to fall on top of his advancing force when I realised that I needed that Neb for some other fire mission. So I canceled it. Just when I had canceled it I noticed that I had 2 Nebelwerfers... :mad:

When I planned a new Nebelwerfer bombardement I moved a FO unit forward. This took me several turns and when it was finnaly getting into position the FO unit was killed by a lucky mortar round :rolleyes:

Things will get interesting now. :2charge:
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