So myself
@nektoman @Lethaface and
@Hohenfels started a playtest about twelve days ago.
First off, Lethaface launches airstrike
(2) against nektoman's airfield beyond the border.
He plays a 'Special Action Card (Queen of Hearts
(1)). Rolling a 5 or 6 on a D6 Lethaface successfully damages nekotmans airfield.
Nektoman's air units are moved to the 'Damaged Area'
I as the GM roll dice for nektomans air defense which damages one of Lethafaces SU-25 Forgfoot's units
Nektoman plays a 'Special Action Card'
(5) which moves all his units out of the 'Damaged Area' into the 'Reserve Area'
Lethaface then plays a 2 of Hearts
(7) (Hearts are movement points) moving two ground units into Rogow
Nektoman plays 6 of Club
(9) (Clubs are movement points) and moves several units around
Lethaface plays another Special Action Card
(11) to move all of his units out of the Damaged Units Area into the Reserve Area
Nektoman plays a 4 of Clubs
(13) and moves units out of the Reserve Area
Lethaface finally plays his 7 of Diamonds
(15) (Diamonds are Attack points) and attacks nektoman's units in Rogow
Note that this would give Lethaface 7 attack points but as he only has two units sharing a sector with the enemy.
This all brings us to the first battle of the campaign/playtest in Rogow.
Battle length 30 minutes.
Now, the CP's are only worth 10 points each. The real points are won by inflicting casualties and preserving your own troops.
So the trick is to keep your casualties down and try to kill off the enemy.
Victory is declared when all enemy units are driven from the battlefield, regardless of the combat mission end screen resolution.
If any of the enemy troops are still in fight after the battle (they have 50%+ in strength) the sector is considered contested.
If and when the next battle in the same sector starts, the occupation of captured CP's determines the set-up area for both sides.
The defending side is considered to have 'occupied' all CP's before battle.
It's good to note at each campaign turn is about 30 - 60 minutes, if Lethaface holds the most CP's on the campaign map at the end is declared the winner.