CM Battle for Normandy v2.12 Patch (PC & Mac)

I had to uninstall Avast. Extract the v1.12. Then reinstall Avast.

Another example of BF arrogance. They know full well that we all run anti-virus, and will have to jump through hoops to get the patch installed. Damn them.
Another example of BF arrogance. They know full well that we all run anti-virus, and will have to jump through hoops to get the patch installed. Damn them.
Don't get me wrong but what has Battlefront to do with that? It's a problem of the antivirus program and not their fault. Setting up the antivirus program properly (for example exclusion of trusted files) should do the trick. Have you tried that? I had to do this with my software too as it always alarmed me about possible malicious code in all the Battlefront exe files. I just excluded them and everything is fine.
BF is the only company that I must remove my Anti-virus for. When so many other companies can get their patches done without the pain, why just BF? As a customer, it is an inconvenience for me, one that is also unnecessary. I attempted to exempt BF files, but am not well versed in computer operations and was not successful.
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