CM Normandy... Battle Front throws us a bone

You're comparing apples and ornages here, aren't you? What has modern warfare got to do with WW2? And I'm not talking about game features, because those will be different (e.g. water, bridges, weather changes).

Would you care to elaborate on that? Certainly modern warfare isn't to everyone's taste, but how exactly is the CMx2 series made to extract money out of us? And how are comprehensiveness and replayability missing from CMx2?

We'll know when we know. And I'd rather have a later release date if that measn that everything's working properly and no thigns are missing. I have been working in the games industry before (though that was nearly 10 years ago) and that is indeed one of the most problematic things: releasing a product too early and before it's finished properly.

This happens to me every time I throw up any reservations about the game: beta testers descend upon me with specific quotationed replies and pointed questions like a bunch of rabid Jesuit missionaries attempting to convert (or kill) everyone to their faith. TBH, I just can't be arsed to carry on the same debates and conversations over and over in an attempt to quell this zealotry.

Let's just leave it that you like the game and want to market it to everyone that it is good (as you have skin in the game) and I am reserving my opinion until I play it. That way we both maintain our decorum.

: )

Consider this my last post in this thread.


This happens to me every time I throw up any reservations about the game: beta testers descend upon me with specific quotationed replies and pointed questions like a bunch of rabid Jesuit missionaries attempting to convert (or kill) everyone to their faith. TBH, I just can't be arsed to carry on the same debates and conversations over and over in an attempt to quell this zealotry.

I'm sorry that you see it that way. That's exactly what I didn't do. Furthermore, I have no knowledge of any discussions you might have had with any of the CMSF beta testers nor have I asked about people who had such. All I wanted to know is what your reservations were exactly and to have an objective discussion - if you look closely on page 2, I have concede to your view and rectified an earlier statement. So how does that qualify as being zealous? If anything, it's you not being objective and others might even be tempted to accuse you of being insulting (which I do not). Everyone is entitled to his own opinion and I am the last person on this planet to who would make anyone believe in my opinion. If I made that impression, I apologize.

I sincerely hope CMN (and all other future WW2 CM titles) will be what you have been waiting for all those years. I only have small say in how the game actually shapes, if at all. I'm merely there to point out bugs and do textures. And believe me: nobody will be more disappointed than I if it doesn't turn out to be the game I've been waiting for, too!
Let's face CM1 is pretty bloody perfect as a wargame. I take my hat off to anyone who gives it a go at updating it.
Let's face CM1 is pretty bloody perfect as a wargame. I take my hat off to anyone who gives it a go at updating it.

Perfect is not an adjective i'd use, there were some limitations due to the technology of the day which can let it down at times, most of the time they don't even come close to affecting my enjoyment of the game but the one that does peeve me from time to time is the borg spotting
Well, borg spotting is a thing of the past - that is definitve.
This looks AMAZING!!!!! I wonder how many people are going to move to it full time and leave behind the old CM games?

I certainly wont, at least not until they release a module with british forces in it ;)
I will not be putting it up on the shelf until I get to see some T-34's.
Know what? Me neither. :) For almost the exact same reasons you won't abandon the old titles (apart from CMBO - haven't played that one for years now). See it as an addition to or enhancement of the CM series. But there will be so many differences you won't want to substitute one game for another anyway.
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