"The difference between the novice and the master is that the master has failed more times than the novice has tried."
Well since i have always fancied doing one of these here is my battle vs Floki in a small town located in the arse end of Holland, i was fairly lax on the specifications of the battle so we are duking it out in an urban AO with the dastardly Huns raising gloves against the jolly Brits.
While i'm a tad doubtful i'll manage to win this one this terrain should prove just as deadly to Floki's Germans as to my own men so with the cunning application of tactics and liberal appliance of HE i may be able to snatch victory.
For this bout i will be in command of the Brits and i have chosen to lead an airbourne unit into the fray. Given the lack of firepower the average commonwealth squad has they would have been i'll suited to city fighting and the small airbourne squads with lots of short ranged firepower are in their element.
The map is a meeting engagement with large points during an overcast day.
(I have forgotten to grab screens of the units so i will allow speech to suffice)
As the above shows the map is decently sized but very built up with open areas few and far between and i built my force composition to suit.
I've taken most of an airbourne battalion with all 5 companies, rather stupidly i accidentally kept the AT guns of A Coy so i have a number which will be of little use but no problem! No great victory can be won without small setbacks. In addition i dropped A Coys mortars as with so short lines of sight and such narrow areas i felt direct fire support would be preferable.
From each company i have ditched one PLT to bring them down to 3 (Aside from E Coy who only have 2) which i feel will be more manageable in a city and have attached at least one machinegun team to each company which i intend to use to lock down streets and key intersections.
For armoured support i have brought along 3 Shermans which will be attached one per company to allow some limited fire support and rapid response, i'm guessing Floki may have brought some Stummels or Stuhs for close range support so i'm hoping the Sherman attached to each Coy can support in case these show up. And to round off i have bought a Churchill AVRE, given that speed should not be much of an issue i'm hoping this will allow me to level any firing positions or HMG nests that get set up near the mid point of the map.
My initial movement will be as follows
The lines indicate where i intend to set up defenses and the X's are some points i expect Floki to secure with scouts if nothing more and have some of my heavier guns ready to kill anything that pushes out from those points.
One section from C Coy will be rushing forwards with a Bedford to try and at least get eyes into the forest before i arrive and D Coy in reserve unless needed elsewhere will be preparing to assault through E or reinforce C Coy should they manage to gain more ground than i expect to.
My main concern is that with a lot of points in wasted AT guns which i would have much rather had another Sherman PLT from i am spread quite thin, should Floki hit one area hard with a small mech element backed up by armour i will be hard pressed to hold and as soon as D Coy is committed i have no more reinforcements and no real fire support. Still unless a Panther or a Tiger shows up my Shermans give me a chance of dealing with it.
Well since i have always fancied doing one of these here is my battle vs Floki in a small town located in the arse end of Holland, i was fairly lax on the specifications of the battle so we are duking it out in an urban AO with the dastardly Huns raising gloves against the jolly Brits.
While i'm a tad doubtful i'll manage to win this one this terrain should prove just as deadly to Floki's Germans as to my own men so with the cunning application of tactics and liberal appliance of HE i may be able to snatch victory.
For this bout i will be in command of the Brits and i have chosen to lead an airbourne unit into the fray. Given the lack of firepower the average commonwealth squad has they would have been i'll suited to city fighting and the small airbourne squads with lots of short ranged firepower are in their element.
The map is a meeting engagement with large points during an overcast day.
(I have forgotten to grab screens of the units so i will allow speech to suffice)
As the above shows the map is decently sized but very built up with open areas few and far between and i built my force composition to suit.
I've taken most of an airbourne battalion with all 5 companies, rather stupidly i accidentally kept the AT guns of A Coy so i have a number which will be of little use but no problem! No great victory can be won without small setbacks. In addition i dropped A Coys mortars as with so short lines of sight and such narrow areas i felt direct fire support would be preferable.
From each company i have ditched one PLT to bring them down to 3 (Aside from E Coy who only have 2) which i feel will be more manageable in a city and have attached at least one machinegun team to each company which i intend to use to lock down streets and key intersections.
For armoured support i have brought along 3 Shermans which will be attached one per company to allow some limited fire support and rapid response, i'm guessing Floki may have brought some Stummels or Stuhs for close range support so i'm hoping the Sherman attached to each Coy can support in case these show up. And to round off i have bought a Churchill AVRE, given that speed should not be much of an issue i'm hoping this will allow me to level any firing positions or HMG nests that get set up near the mid point of the map.
My initial movement will be as follows
The lines indicate where i intend to set up defenses and the X's are some points i expect Floki to secure with scouts if nothing more and have some of my heavier guns ready to kill anything that pushes out from those points.
One section from C Coy will be rushing forwards with a Bedford to try and at least get eyes into the forest before i arrive and D Coy in reserve unless needed elsewhere will be preparing to assault through E or reinforce C Coy should they manage to gain more ground than i expect to.
My main concern is that with a lot of points in wasted AT guns which i would have much rather had another Sherman PLT from i am spread quite thin, should Floki hit one area hard with a small mech element backed up by armour i will be hard pressed to hold and as soon as D Coy is committed i have no more reinforcements and no real fire support. Still unless a Panther or a Tiger shows up my Shermans give me a chance of dealing with it.