CMBN Axis DAR Dellie Vs MeatGrinder ****MG Stay out****

Got some time to post a turn, so...


Not a ton of surprises this time around, just continuing the existing engagements. Doug is rushing some Firefly's up to the town and my left flank, but I'm not too worried about them yet.

Here on the right flank I'm overpowering Doug's forces. With the 95 Churchill dead I have a chance to bring my hidden tank forward and support my infantry. I got a couple of casualties this turn, one from the new 75 Churchill I spotted in the top left of the pic. I'm fully confident that I'm about to overwhelm his forces here, and once that tank is dead I can fully flank the town.

Here is a look at my casualties so far in the wheat field. Things aren't looking pretty. I'm ordering them to hide with about a 200 meter cover arc. Doug killed my platoon leader, so I'm bringing up the company XO to take command I ::THINK:: that he will take command of the platoon, but I could be wrong. There's now another Firefly that popped up, making a total of two confirmed, one behind the first building on the road and the other in the top of the screen shot. They're both just a hair too far reverse slope of my Panther for it to see them. They aren't worrying me yet, except for this next contact...

The one that's wayyyyy on my left flank :) I have a lot of tree cover to the left of my bottom left Panther, so I'm going to let him sit pretty for now and let the Fireflies come to him. The reserve StG platoon is going to secure the edge of the woods and I'm sending my middle Panther down the road towards the town in cause Doug tries to move his Firefly forward.

So basically the plan is to

A) Sit tight in the wheat field. Doug hasn't shown any mortars so far and he can't bring his Fireflies to bear on my PzGs without my Panther spotting them. Their presence will be enough of an advantage.

B) Cautiously exploit the gap in the right flank. I'll be using my infantry to flush out any AT teams and my far right Panther to support them. I'm going to go ahead and try to get a flanking shot on the Churchill. Should work, right?

C) Secure the middle of the map with the reserve StG platoon, and prepare to assault the town. The middle Panther is going to support them and help protect the far back Panther. I have a feeling Doug is going to wait until he's in a good flanking position and then attack the back Panther from 3 angles. Middle Panther will be insurance against that.
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Also, from now on I'll be calling the far back Panther "Barney", the middle Panther "Lenny Fame", and the right Panther "Man Ray". Just to class up the joint ;)
TURNS 10 & 11

Doug is pushing HARRRDD!

At the end of turn 10 "Man Ray" was sitting pretty on the crest of the hill. The red circle marks where that blasted Churchill was. He managed to get a single shot off as Doug backed the Churchill up but it struck some trees. Church 75 is still roaming around the woods.

Doug moved his Firefly to get a great position to flank "Barney", losing his TC to my PzG company XO in the process. It would have been a perfect shot, except for...

I lost my TC too! Barney crew panicked and reversed, just in time to avoid a flank shot from the 17lber gun.

Overview at the end of turn 10

During turn 11, Man Ray took a shot from a PIAT team. Luckily they struck trees instead.

I moved Barney into the wheat field in a slightly risky move to try to take out the flanking Firefly. Barney didn't see him, so I'm moving him up further this turn.

My reserve StG platoon is now in contact with the right most flank of the town. I'm pushing up Lenny Fame within twenty yards of the Firefly on the road to try to get a side shot.

The right StG platoon is moving right to deal with all the contacts on the hill. I'm shifting Man Ray to avoid another PIAT shot.

By the way, did I mention that Doug has ANOTHER Firefly!?

That's a total of 4 Fireflies and 2 Churchills so far!

That's bad, but it's kind of good that they're all in the town focusing on my PzG platoon, which I'm just telling to lay down in the grass. I'll have to be really careful (and lucky) but I might be able to whittle the Fireflies down to a reasonable number over the next few turns.

Also, apparently I lost a truck to the flanking Firefly. I'm backing them up to keep from taking unnecessary casualties.

Overview at the end of turn 11
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I took out that flanking Firefly this turn. I was moving Barney up to take care of it, but Lenny Fame stole the show ONCE AGAIN :)

The shot-

The round streaks over my poor and mostly dead PzG platoon

He shoots, he scores! One shot against a partially hull down tank after moving. Not bad Lenny.

Now that the Firefly is out of the picture, I'm going to move Barney up. The Fireflies in the town will be hull down on the ridge, but I'll have tree protection. Should be kinda maybe not too risky.

My right StG platoon are concentrating on the right flank now. The Brits are starting to get a little overwhelmed by all the incoming, and I just targeted my 81mm mortar on those contacts in the middle.

The right side of the town. The middle StG platoon just surprised these troops and are quickly overwhelming them.

This is the picture at the end of the turn. My PzG platoon has taken 50-75% casualties, they're going to be pretty useless from here on out. However, they bought my other forces time to maneuver through the woods, and I'm much more confident in my StG platoons anyway. Hopefully in the next few turns I can crush all resistance on the right flank and move Man Ray to join Lenny Fame in taking out those damn Fireflies. I still need to worry about that Churchill, but it shouldn't be too much of a problem as long as I don't roll into any ambushes.

No crazy action pics this turn, just an overview.

That Churchill 75 is moving back and to the right, probably to try and swing around and flank ole Man Ray.

The road Firefly backed up after Lenny Fame killed the flanking Firefly. Not a bad move, but the infantry in support of Lenny happen to have a nice shiny Panzerfaust 60 :) The team with the PzF 60 is only about 70 yards away from the Firefly sound contact, if I can just get a little closer and get a clear shot.

I'm moving Barney up to a more concealing stand of trees. I hope Doug moves a Firefly up to try and take him out, I should have more protection in a 1 on 1 duel. If not, I'm moving Lenny Fame up to get a flanking shot on one of the Fireflies from between the buildings.

My 81 mortar opened up and demolished a squad, the Brits on the right flank are basically defeated. I plan on clearing out the Brits and then slinking my men back into the woods to support my middle platoon.

At this point Doug has no hope of removing me from the victory zone. I hope to win by attrition, destroying his tanks one by one and limiting any further casualties. I especially need to preserve my tanks. I'm most worried about Barney, but I can't complain too much if my bait falls off the hook ;)
Doug and I just powered through and finished the match, I'll be back with a big update covering the last turns of the battle.
Well, rather than try and do a turn by turn report of what happened in the last few minutes, I'll just introduce you to the stars of the show.



In hindsight I should have maybe not sacrificed my poor men in the wheatfield. The survivors will never look at bread the same way again.

Overall I think I did about as well as I could playing MG. He really is the meatgrinder, and he makes you work for the win :)

GG Doug, it was a blast.
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