CMBN Axis DAR Floki vs Suzuya****no peeking Suzuya

@Floki Your post re the spotting gets to the heart of why I say the system in the game is broken, because as you point out the line of sight and the bright icons clearly indicate that you should be able to see each other, so the only other aspect is the magic that is spotting. And spotting is so random it would be better placed in a simple game (checkers maybe) not in a game that purports realism - albeit of the pixel variety.

@Meat Grinder And i suspect there is a lot less going on under the hood that we would like to think, but as one serious player once told me - sometimes its best not to know...
@Richtig Not so my friend, not only did I have LOS (da blue line) but my tank also "spotted" the target but no shooting. Maybe there was a twig in the way of my big gun, or maybe on that twig was a endangered Oosterbeekian sparrow and my gunner is an ornithologist and simply refused to fire the 75mm towards the enemy tank so as not to harm it. LOL
Great thread @Floki , and a good mix of images and short-videos to reinforce your narrative (I lose interest quickly when presented with a 5+ minute video for each turn..).


Oh, and I share your frustration re spotting/firing!
@Gnarly Thanks for the kind comments Mate. A lot has been written and talked about (the LOS thing) so I don't want this DAR to get into that. I posted it just because I thought it interesting to happen on my very first DAR is all.
@Floki Ah the Oosterbeekian Sparrow, did you know these poor creatures are now on the endangered list? Apparently they developed a taste for high velocity tank shells, and so now sit in tree branches, and when a tank fires they hurl themselves at the shell causing it to explode (?). At least that's what I think must be happening, because we all know tank shells don't stop for twigs and leaves....
Sorry Lads about not posting on this DAR but Christmas has a way keeping one busy. Not too much has happened since my last post, been moving men around and waiting for my 120mm arty to rain hell down on Suzuya.....well it rained alright....nowhere near the strike zone but off the map completely...and a bit on my own men! Damn it! What a waste.

Will post screen shots and videos after Christmas....
Real life and taking on a whole bunch of PBEM matches has really cramped my DAR time. Sorry about that lads but not too much has happened. I wasted my 120mm barrage, it all landed off map and so far Suzuya and I have kind of stalled. Important events since last time I posted:

  • Suzuya moved his petard chucking behemoth to the park area. I had eyes on him and rushed a panzerfaust team to intercept but the timing was not right. Damn! That would have been a sweet kill
  • Moved a tank into the park to get a shot at said petard chucker.....moved in for the kill but he reversed in the nick of time
  • I have another barrage from a heavy inf gun lined up, spotting now and if it comes on target I am hoping it will kill a lot of his infantry

So that's it. Sorry no time for screenies and whatnot but we are kind of stalled right now...waiting to see who makes the first mistake I guess.

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