Vein's tracer mod is better with the mid-level tracers. The first level-long ones were a bit too much.
..once Mister Spike stops beating me like an ugly stepchild in this PBEM..
READ THE MANUAL. Everything's explained there. No joke. Why's no one reading manuals these days?
Please don't get set up with us old farts, Earl of Grey...we need you to answer all of our questions about the game, without troubling ourself in reading "THAT" manual.Fine, don't read the the frikkin' manual!
Please don't get set up with us old farts, Earl of Grey...
Odd. Checked in on BF Mods today and it appears they seem to have deleted about a page worth. Don't really care since I've got mine, but odd nonetheless.
Already a couple VERY nice ones in there - even one turning off ambient sounds! :tongue1:
The grid mod, which I think works really well, all of a sudden stopped working. I restarted the game, and have reinstalled several times. Still nothing. I can't think of anything I installed that would interfere with it. Anyone with an idea?