Mord made better faces for the Germans. More worn and dirty. I like them.
..once Mister Spike stops beating me like an ugly stepchild in this PBEM..

What planet you on mate? You've got 2 Panthers and about 5 Marders left, and all i've got left are two baby M8HMC's, surely you're not scared of them?
Hell. I could rule the world with 2 Panths and 5 Marders ha ha..:)
READ THE MANUAL. Everything's explained there. No joke. Why's no one reading manuals these days? one reads that stinky manual...we have each other in FGM to ask questions.

I have downloaded and installed the following mods;
1. Famous faces unit portraits (all the portraits from our favor WWII movies)
2. mb-silhouette-v5 ( this mod jazzs up the silhouette allot...very sweet mod)
3. Markers
4. Waff12th (I love this one, don't leave home without it.)
5. background day combat (cancel out the background combat noise, so you only hear what happening on your battlefield)
6. Veins_smallarms_muzzleflash_CMBN_v1

Fine, don't read the the frikkin' manual! But one day there'll no one left to answer any questions, becasue no one read the stuff in the first place! :biggrin1:

I am happily playing much more CMSF now since CMBN comes out - and modding both. How's that?
Fine, don't read the the frikkin' manual!
Please don't get set up with us old farts, Earl of Grey...we need you to answer all of our questions about the game, without troubling ourself in reading "THAT" manual.

Please don't get set up with us old farts, Earl of Grey...

Look closer - I usually use smilies to indicate when my answers shouldn't be taken all too seriously. I fully understand how you feel: You've waited so long you want to PLAY and not read a few hundred manual pages. Go ahead, I was just teasing...

Odd. Checked in on BF Mods today and it appears they seem to have deleted about a page worth. Don't really care since I've got mine, but odd nonetheless.

I think they restructered the CMBN section somewhat - vehicles 'n stuff got their own department now. Everything still seems to be where we left it, just labeled differently.
Question regarding mod

There is a mod in the BF repository for the 12th SS, will it be used to represent all Ge inf or does the program reserve them for actual 12th SS units in scenarios?
Correct - complete texture replacement for all German infantry units. As long as we don't have different branches for the Germans and a more detailed "texture system", all one can do is exchange one texture set for another.
The grid mod, which I think works really well, all of a sudden stopped working. I restarted the game, and have reinstalled several times. Still nothing. I can't think of anything I installed that would interfere with it. Anyone with an idea?

If you installed other mods it could overwrite your grid mod.
It isn't and I suspect it won't work with Vein's Desaturated Terrain - that one changes the exact same textures. Might that be the cause?
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