CMBN Opponent Wanted *ALL SLOTS ARE FULL - THX!*



Hi Comrades,

I haven't been playing for a while, I've forgotten everything and so I need some combat training again! ;)

I'd like to play the Germans in a CMBN quick battle of 30 Min.. Allied or German attack. Would do a mirror match
too with playing the Allied on the same map, if requested.

I'm standing close before being kicked out of the ladder - it must be a ladder game though.

Do have dropbox - just PM me for e-mail address! :)

OK, who wants to earn some easy points from good ole Shork...? ;)
Hey Keith, GREAT!!! :)

Are you going to send me something?

By the way - why don't you have the CMBN ladder participant badge?
I dont know about the badge , I will send you a file ( Drop box ) can I have your email address please
Great! :) My e-mail is Shorker666 at googlemail dot com (pls see also little envelope symbol underneath my avatar picture)

About the badge / ribbon - you may contact the mighty @Fredrocker - he is the lord of the ribbons. ;)

OK, cool - long time not played - can't await to face the pixel-war again! :)
Are you already working on the setup? No invitation to dropbox received yet etc. Have been waiting yesterday afternoon and evening.

Are we game? :(
Roger that - got it! Thanks a lot! :)

Good luck, have fun and enjoy the battle!
Ok Im in also shok Medium Map Jul our agos Can I set? American attack
Hey good ole Marco! :) How are you doing, matey?

Sure - choose a map, please, and prepare something for us to play! :cool:

Ladder game and no self made extra rules, OK? (But don't worry - I've drastically reduced my mortar Teams... *gg!)
Hey dude!!! Great news, let´s fight, once rule will be default Arty protocol for attacker and defender and will switch on historical restrictions, for me it´s enough restriction in this game, wellcome back mate.

where are you these days? USA our Germany?

Wermatch our SS?
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Shock, set both QB, almost identical and same map, but with you defending with German Army, couse as I remember you like to play with Heer; and me attacking with SS, as I never have a chance to play online in german side and never played pbem with SS before.

Them you know, if you want to change force in battle with me attacking with US, change and send new file to me, if you can´t play both in same time, let´s fight one and after another one, no problem.
If you like, you can pick yours mortars battalion :)

HA HA HA!!! No, no - don't worry! ;) I think that the "organic artillery rule" is a little bit too strict but all in all I got used to it.
But our last battle with the StuGs and the "mortar stormtrooper batallion" was really absolutely crazy! LOL! :D A game that I will never forget! :)

I would like to play the Wehrmacht, please - we can do a mirror match on the same map, if you like - so that we are playing both sides.
Shock, set both QB, almost identical and same map, but with you defending with German Army, couse as I remember you like to play with Heer; and me attacking with SS, as I never have a chance to play online in german side and never played pbem with SS before.

Them you know, if you want to change force in battle with me attacking with US, change and send new file to me, if you can´t play both in same time, let´s fight one and after another one, no problem.

No Problem - that'll be fine! :) Here it is almost midnight now - gtg to bed - will look into this tomorrow.

Thx! :)
HA HA HA!!! No, no - don't worry! ;) I think that the "organic artillery rule" is a little bit too strict but all in all I got used to it.
But our last battle with the StuGs and the "mortar stormtrooper batallion" was really absolutely crazy! LOL! :D A game that I will never forget! :)

LOL do you remember that!!!! That was the craziest battle using CM2X so far.

Be welcome, waiting you on battlefield again. Cheers
Shock, set both QB, almost identical and same map, but with you defending with German Army, couse as I remember you like to play with Heer; and me attacking with SS, as I never have a chance to play online in german side and never played pbem with SS before.

Hi Marco,

if I understand you right I am the defender in both games then...?

In the one game I am defending with Heer (so you attack) - in the other you are attacking with SS.... so I defend again. *gg! :D

But apart from that we have a second problem too:

In the one game with me as the US-Defender, you as SS-Attacker we SEEM to have the setup-zone-bug - when I click on "map preview" I am in the right corner but
the text during the purchasing screen on the left says: "Defender" and I have only 1.945 points to spend.... :( This is the same amount of points that I can spend in the other
game where I'm the German defender.

Please check the file in our dropbox - I have bought only one artillery spotter just for testing reasons because my turn is ending after purchasing the troops (no setup for me in this turn).


OK, meanwhile I will prepare my German defenders. :)

P.S.: I don't have/use H2HH - so I can't read your chat messages - sorry! Just fyi.
In the one game I am defending with Heer (so you attack) - in the other you are attacking with SS.... so I defend again. *gg! :D

But apart from that we have a second problem too:

In the one game with me as the US-Defender, you as SS-Attacker we SEEM to have the setup-zone-bug - when I click on "map preview" I am in the right corner but
the text during the purchasing screen on the left says: "Defender" and I have only 1.945 points to spend.... :( This is the same amount of points that I can spend in the other
game where I'm the German defender.

We are getting the damned setup zone bug, atacker is getting worng setup zone. But I forgot our old walk around. I need to paint manually setup zones on desired map befores choose new one paited and set QB? remember me and let me do it to me finally do that fucked QB setup right ok. If you want me to play with SS as defender, let me know and I will set it as defender.

Being 2x the defender on the same map is not so much fun for me and not really a mirror-match. Please defend with your SS. In the next game you can be
attacker with SS then, OK?

How to fix the zone bug:
Load the map into the scenario editor, re-paint the setup zones, then save the map with a new name (e.g. "Aulette-Shork-Map") as an Allied Attack map (pulldown menu in "mission parameters").

Do we have the bug in both games?

OK - I will wait for the new files then - Thank you! ;)
@Biderman : Wow, Keith, it's rumbling very much at the beginning already!!! *gg! :eek:
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