CMBN Round #3 Match Ups

I dont try to take advantage with my extra knowledge. But I for sure had a plan as to what I think would be the best approach in this battle and it sure did work.

On your end the only thing I thought you did that was not the best decision was I saw bazooka troops at the front positions of your defensiv lines.

Thus the first to get spotted and normally the first to die because of my overwatch firepower.

You really needed them to help wreck a little more of my Armor.

But as the US player, this is just a terrible hard battle.
Thank you for the acknowledgment : "But as the US player, this is just a terrible hard battle."
11 battles completed

Best German Score : Letherface/sly, MeatEtr, Shady side ,Stone Age, then Jackel

Best American Score: Raging AI, Hilts, Horza, Canadian Cat then Animander25

Bill vs KgPanther (once again in the middle )

The two remaining games have 3 minutes left of game play.

Expect me to post round 4 match ups soon, likely this weekend or early next week.
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