CMFB Patch v1.01 released

I presume both parties in a PBEM would need to be running this to continue playing, not just one, correct?
I presume both parties in a PBEM would need to be running this to continue playing, not just one, correct?

Yep, both need to be on the same version.

Just for info in case you don't know ... the process mid-battle is:

Player A sends off file 014 in v 1.00

Player B loads 014 in v 1.00, watches the replay, goes to the orders phase, saves off the game as 015 and quits: then patches, and loads the 015 file again, completes his orders, and sends off 015 in v 1.01. (NB, the game will "know" that there has been a "015" save already of this battle, even though it was a .bts battle file, not an . ema PBEM file, and so will auto number the PBEM .ema file 016. To retain the old numbering sequence, you need to amend the final PBEM file save number back to 015 ...)

In the meantime, after sending off 014 in v 1.00, Player A patches in between turns, and and loads 015 into his new, v1.01 copy of the game.

If you have multiple opponents who don't all want to do the same thing about patching, you can simply make a duplicate copy of CMFB, and then patch one but not the other, and carry on battles in both versions. CMH will handle the two versions as well, so the battle files go in the right places.

(Again FWIW, on a Mac to have dual versions running, I copy the complete game to my desktop, and patch the default location version (lets the patch work "on auto"), and continue my old version battles via the desktop copy, until I can delete it when the old version battles are finished.)
@Cargol @SlySniper .....I have got the the patch.....haven't opened it yet....Let me know when you are ready we can do it together
At the moment I 'm playing CMFB only with you so if you dont mind we could finish the game and then patch it up.If you wish otherwise let me know.
If you have multiple opponents who don't all want to do the same thing about patching, you can simply make a duplicate copy of CMFB, and then patch one but not the other, and carry on battles in both versions. CMH will handle the two versions as well, so the battle files go in the right places.

Thanks Phil for the detailed write up and explanation, it helped a lot!

I've actually gone for the 'two copies of FB' option, as I have some opponents sticking to unpatched, and others patching.
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