Part 13 up now and 13 turns out to be unlucky for some... 
Great to hear and see you back in action. All the very best - I hope you get sorted soon...
Good AAR, I'm playing Herroberst60 at the moment as the Germans. I'm getting my ass kicked.
Great video series, thanks. You asked for suggestions, and, noting my game with Nathangun, I offer the following suggestions for fighting the scenario (did I mention I was in the U.S. Army for 30 years ending as Colonel?)
The Germans have a hard fight here. You cannot hold the town against the steamroller and its reinforcements of heavy armor. You have a bit of slugfest in the woods. My recommendations:
You will find that a fighting retreat (emphasizing the retreat part not the fighting part) out of the town to the entrenchments and further works best to conserve those forces, standing and fighting just means annihilation there. Try to retain the bonus entrenchments just outside town towards German lines. I would suggest using the town armor to try and keep him from getting armor into the woods on the German left flank. Using it in the town just gets it lost early. Move it out of town fast via the Stalin bridge and either into the woods or some place behind buildings to pot Russian armor going for the woods. Try to maintain distance from his SMG infantry so your MG42s can do their work from distance. Dismount the bunkers, they die early anyway from tank fire. Run from the isolated outpost in center map towards the Russian lines. Run the AT guns back to someplace with good fields of fire to counter his armor.
Defintely try to clear the woods on German left flank which has two objectives in it, using the reinforcements you get early on to help out. If you don't he can move armored reinforcements across the river and later anything you try to send into the town will be flanked. If he loads up the woods with armor and SMG squads you'll have a tough time there and moving on the town later.
If you have conserved some of the town garrison and its armor and cleared the woods then trying to retake the town later is much easier but I think German victory is more about destroying Russian units than physically clearing the town - don't try it without LOTS of HE fire as you go along. If the Russians lose all their armor point wise I thing the Germans will win (other reviews note the Russian AI surrenders when AI armor is gone). With all those Tigers later you should be able to cross Stalin Bridge and move around the town to the left to pot Russian armor that exposes itself and bring many building strongpoints crashing down.
As Russians:
Take and clear the town to the far entrenchments, I moved most of my forces to the far left flank can came into town that way, blasting away with the T-34s and the SMG squads and artillery stonks. In the game with Nathangun I hold the bonus entrenchments but my push to the next buildings has run into resistance.
Hold the woods and reinforce them with at least one platoon T-34, tank riders another infantry and AT guns and mortars, you can cross the river undercover mostly on the right. Huge benefits should accrue by doing this later in game.
Keep your armor hidden and wait for key hole or flank shots on advancing German armor. He's got Tigers and trying to outshoot them from range is statistically unwise. But, if you can stick some armor in the woods and some behind the rail/road berm and in the town itself he'll have a tough time blasting you out of there.
Great game thus far Nathangun and thanks for the video series Jonnsy.