No, the skeletons are in the data folders under soldiers under italians and then in subfolder skeletons. file format is mds or mdr. There is nothing to "see" like a uniform bmp file image. I think you want to use these Italian AFV crew skeleton file names when you rename the German AFV crew skeleton files.
and his 5 buddies
Then the bmp filenames are like this
and the same thing but with normal map.
Look in the folders and copy EXACTLY.
modtag is NOT the scenario name. Better to use something tiny like I recommended [achse].
put [achse] after all your renamed files!
Then ANY scenario you want to use this mod system, you import modtag achse from a text file achse.txt with only the word achse in the body. keep the modtag text file in your scenario folder so it is easy to find when in the scenario editor.
Of course you buy an Italian tank or vehicle where the crew wear the AFV coveralls. Not a regular uniform driver with a steel helmet like a jeep, get me?
I don't mind answering here so others can see and learn to do this. Be brave! I had a first time also and it is a great feeling when it all appears on the screen as you commanded it!