I´ve got my plate full for the moment in three different games. Jumped in on the tourney when it was started. I read that there is player MIA over there, maybe you could fill in the spot if he is not found.
I´m ready for a medium meeting engagement against anyone willing. I would like to play the Syrians against any witch ever force. Anyone care to set something up?
Very nice! Can you set it up? I´m at work for the next fiveish hours. I´d like to attack with the Syrian army over any kind of terrain in medium or large battle against any force you prefer.
I´m expiriencing some technical difficulties in my battle with the Accidental Italian and am now seeking a co-commander to maybe do a turn once in a while when I´m not able.
It is a huge custom battle and we are about an hour in. I´ve got some maps and a bit of a record on how the battle has been going for me thus far it should hopefully help any brave co-commander who is willing to help us out.