CMSF2 is out!

I enjoy the modern stuff in some ways even more than WWII,. As to competitive h2h matches. I think blue on blue is best. You are asking a little much to get balance with blue on red forces at times. Great fun still, but likely not for you if all that matters is winning. because, Blue has some advantages that can be hard to overcome.
I played Passage at Wilcox in the Demo H2H, playing as the Syrians. I definitely lost that one (screwed up a couple of major things, and neutered my counter-attacking force), but wasn't terribly happy with the way the victory conditions were set - killing half of the US dismounts, a number of Bradleys and an Abrams and still getting a Total Victory for the US didn't seem right at all.

That's purely scenario design/points balance though, which is tricky to begin with, and nothing to do with the actual game. The exact same scenario could have been re-jigged and ended up with the Minor victory that it probably should have been. It was definitely interesting to play as Red vs Blue though, despite the overwhelming and constant firepower just levelling everything. I do think you need carefully designed scenarios for it to work well. Preserve objectives and heavy penalties for losing Blue troops are the obvious solutions.
I played the CMSF2 demo H2H and are looking for a Opponent for the "real deal" :)
I played Passage at Wilcox in the Demo H2H, playing as the Syrians. I definitely lost that one (screwed up a couple of major things, and neutered my counter-attacking force), but wasn't terribly happy with the way the victory conditions were set - killing half of the US dismounts, a number of Bradleys and an Abrams and still getting a Total Victory for the US didn't seem right at all..

Played vs BB (me as US) and I total agree with you.

What I personaly think is a bummer is that

you cant relocate the IED. If you know where it is (played vs the AI first), it is not so much of a tread no more

All kinds of cool stuff in CMSF 2 that the other titles don't have. This is truly a unique Combat Mission game. Below are some screenshots with building and squalor (street sewage) mods.

There are three different types of IEDs, Wire, Radio & Cell that come in four different sizes, Huge, Large, Medium & Small.


There are also VBIEDs.






Different means of transporting troops around the map.


Amphibious vehicles.

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