Combat Mission: Battle For Normandy, Commonwealth Forces



I just paid a visit to the Battlefront website and read that we are close to getting the first supplement to CMBN. It will be for the Commonwealth forces with a few more German units thrown in for good measure, including the PzKw VI(b). No release date, other than they say soon (When its ready) and a price tag of $35.00. This is not a stand-alone game and ownership of CMBN is required. So, it looks like I have to get the other upgrades done on my clunker computer so I can get the first game in the series and be ready for this supplement when it comes out. OFG
I suspect it will be a while before the module comes out, but I've salivating at the prospect. Sherman Fireflies! Churchill Tanks! PIATs! Guys with funny accents!

It will also come with Canadians and Poles. (Poland has never been part of the Commonwealth of course, but I suppose since the Free Polish forces were principally equipped by the UK in makes sense to include them in the module).

Now that we'll have Canadians to sling around the battlefield, I'm contemplating a campaign based on the United States verses Canada war envisioned in War Plan Red (see and Canadian Defence Scheme No. 1 (see
Well the Dutch were also equipt by the Brits. But I dont see them in the commonwealth...

Hopefully, Battlefront will continue with the new CMBN series and do some Highway to the Reich stuff (Dutch underground maybe). I do hope that they handle the new version of this classic game just as well as they did the old titles but keep adding more toys to play with. PzKw IIIJs dressed up to look like Japanese tanks just doesn't get it for me. Would love to see a Red Star/White Star "what-if" expansion set but maybe I'm asking too much. OFG
Yes, but the scenario designers could start working on some Arnhem scenarios. Of course then we would also need some Red Devil mods for the Brits but that would be pretty cool to see.
Thank God, we can finally fight with British troops AND leave the worst part of the bocage behind us...
Thank God, we can finally fight with British troops AND leave the worst part of the bocage behind us...

Right into the gap of long-distance firing german PAKs. =/ Hell, hell hell, its hell everywhere! :O
Which are subsequnetly blown to kingdom come by an artillery and/ir naval bombardment lasting for half an hour.
Hi Guys,

Made a pretty accurate map of Ouistreham, but having a bugger or a time trying to find out the troop disposition of both side during the fight there... any help would be appreciated... also working on a map of Carpiquet Airport...

Really looking forward to this module....
Ouistreham was liberated by No 4 Commando Bn, apparently a french part from No 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando that sorted under No4 Commando did the work with some help of shermans (DDs in sure) from 13/18th Hussars/27th Armoured Brigade.

On the german side I don't know much unfortunately :/
Which are subsequnetly blown to kingdom come by an artillery and/ir naval bombardment lasting for half an hour.

somehow they always seem to survive that barrage... Unless you are the one on the receiving end of the barrage, then every round hit something vital!
Ouistreham was liberated by No 4 Commando Bn, apparently a french part from No 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando that sorted under No4 Commando did the work with some help of shermans (DDs in sure) from 13/18th Hussars/27th Armoured Brigade.

On the german side I don't know much unfortunately :/
Thank you Chainsaw... much appreciated... guess I will have to see what type units we get to play with in the Commonwealth Module.
somehow they always seem to survive that barrage... Unless you are the one on the receiving end of the barrage, then every round hit something vital!

Guess I'm pretty unlucky with my receiving then! :crazy:
Nah, nothing announced yet at least. hopefully for the last module when all "odd" vehicles should be in.
I wouldn't be too hopeful - Steve has told us a number of times that coding fire within the CMx2 engine is pretty tough and would take a lot of time - time they'd rather use finetuning all the new stuff that's already there. It is entirely possible we won't see fire AT ALL in CMBN and not before CMEF comes out.
the ost front without fire? hmmm lets hope they realize it is a must for the immersion factor CMBN is lacking...just my 2 cents.
I have great faith in that we will have working fire in the last module of the western front, the "funnies" module, and with that Crocodile and Wasps with their counterparts. :)
Either way we're talking about something that won't see the light of day for another year or more, so unless BFC have explciitely stated we'll get fire in CMBN, I'm cautious. Would be nice, yes, but I'd refuse to play against some pyromaniac anway. :1tongue:
CMBN Commonwealth Forces - Scenario overview

Wednesday, 07 December 2011
The Combat Mission: Battle for Normandy Commonwealth Forces module offers 2 brand new campaigns, one from the Allied side and one from the German side. Both campaigns are semi-historical, in the sense that they are close to real events, and use real formations, that were found in the area of the conflict at the time, with fairly accurate force composition. However some liberties were taken to make the combat missions more interesting and varied.


In addition to the campaigns, there are also more than 20 stand alone missions using all the forces in the module in a many different situations.


[h=3]The Commonwealth campaign[/h] The British campaign is titled 'The Scottish Corridor' (working title) and will largely focus on the actions of two Battalions during Operation Epsom, the 9th Cameronians and the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders (ASH) with around 15 missions depending on results.


This campaign offers a great deal of the new Commonwealth kit, so players will get a good taste of everything that is packed in the module while fighting hugely diverse missions. The Cameronian missions are more combined arms and feature the heavies - Churchills and Sherman Fireflies - while the ASH missions are much ligher, Infantry-centric battles, including light armoured cars and Bren Gun carriers. This gives the campaign a nice variety of missions and allows the player to use almost everything the Commonwealth Forces have at the expense of only a bit of historical accuracy.


[h=3]The German campaign[/h] The Axis campaign features the 2nd Panzer Division in the Falaise Pocket, and is semi-historical. The Falaise Pocket was chosen because it provides some unique opportunities for an exciting campaign with mixed German unit types.


One of the core concepts of the campaign is that the player begins with a company-sized &fgruppe for his core force. This Kampfgruppe has a little bit of everything; it is a self-contained and self-sufficient battle unit. This Kampfgruppe has been cobbled together from shattered remains of battalions within the regiment. As the player progresses in the campaign, some unique reinforcements will join his Kampfgruppe, for example, a section of engineers, or King Tigers, or a Lynx, etc.


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