Combat Mission: RISK - version 2

There has been interest expressed in resuscitating this campaign/tourney system again.

@Bootie asked me to explore some ideas for a simplified version 2.

Here goes... (note spiffy new army counters on map below :D )


As before 6 teams of 2 or 3 players.

Battles will now be QB's (see suggsted rules below) -- I've stripped down the types or Armies to TWO -- infantry and armoured.
To avoid army numbers getting out of hand I am suggsting a simple SUPPLY rule -- you need to spend Production Points on upkeep of your existing armies before you can build new forces with what's left over.
I've retained the idea of a Capital City region that you need to defend at all cost.

Combat Mission: RISK – version 2

Combat Mission:RISK is a fun campaign combining the strategic maps and overall concept of the classic board game RISK with CMBN/CW,

Basic Concept
There are 6 REGIMES each either controlled by a single player or teams of 2 or 3 players each.

Strategic moves and attacks are executed on the RISK world map – and the actual attacks are played out in CMBN/CW/MG Quick Battles.

These battles are 30 minute medium size QB’s set up by the players according to guidelines based on the ARMIES taking part in the battle.

Army Counters
There are TWO kinds of ARMY counters:

INFANTRY – these are your basic garrison units that hold and defend your regions.

ARMOURED – the corps with offensive punch for launching Blitzkrieg into enemy territory

Setting Up & Turn Sequence
To begin, players are drawn into 6 regimes – either by random draw by the GM, or by player’s choice.

Each Regime is randomly assigned a NATIONALITY for the CM battles.

2 Regimes play GERMAN ARMY

1 Regime plays Waffen SS

3 Regimes plays US Army, British & Canadian Army respectively.

The GM then assigns each regime 7 randomly drawn regions (there are a total of 42 regions)

An INFANTRY ARMY is placed on each region to indicate ownership.

The regimes then decide in which region to place their CAPITAL CITY – this is important (see Capital Cities below) and inform the GM by PM.

Each regime then receives 11 Production Points (PP’s) with which to build any type of Army they can afford and then inform the GM where to place them via PM. (there is a PRODUCTION COST chart on the RISK map) – NO SUPPLY is deducted on the opening turn.

After the GM has placed all the armies on the map, the players can study the map and send attack orders to the GM simultaneously.

The GM plays out all the attacks and plots them on the map and sets up all the required CM battles.

The players fight out the battles and the results are then plotted on the RISK map.

Each regime then is awarded 2 PP per region under its control plus 5 PP’sfor the capital city region, bonus PP’s for controlling an entire continent (see chart on RISK map) and an extra 1 PP per battle victory.

Regimes then begin the turn cycle again by first assigning PP’s to SUPPLY their existing armies and then purchasing and placing new ARMIES on the RISK map.

They can also move any unit from one adjacent region to another, as long as one unit remains behind as region garrison.

Before building new armies, each Regime has to spend PP’s to keep their armies SUPPLIED.

Each INFANTRY ARMY costs ONE PP supply per turn,

Each ARMOURED ARMY costs THREE PP’s supply per turn.

After the SUPPLY costs have been deducted from the total of PP’s available, then NEW armies can be purchased.

If a regime does not have enough PP’s to supply all armies, then it has to demobilise (eliminate) enough PP’s worth of units to make up the shortfall (use the unit’s purchase value)

Capital Cities
CAPITAL CITIES are important as the political and economic home base of each regime. This has to be defended at all cost. Should a regime’s capital fall to an enemy invader, the regime collapses is eliminated from the game.

The other regimes can then claim the previous regime’s former regions by moving any surplus ARMIES from adjacent regions during the next attack phase.

If two regimes invade one of these regions simultaneously, they will fight a Meeting Engagement battle to see who gains control.

Once captured, the Capital City is removed from play and the region produces the standard 2 PP per turn for the owning regime.

If a regime has more than one ARMY in a region, it can launch an attack into an adjacent enemy region.

An enemy region can only be attacked from one region at a time.

If two regimes launch a simultaneous attack into the same region in the same turn, the GM will determine by die roll which attack has precedent.

The other attack can then be held over until the next turn against whoever then is in control of that region.

A regime may launch an attack with as many armies as can be spared from the attacking region.

The defender will always defend with ALL the armies based in the region being attacked.

All battles are then resolved using CMNB/CW/MG battles



Force Mix.jpg


Players may form any alliances they wish, but only two regimes (attacker and defender) may participate in any given battle – there can be no multi-national armies.

Part of the fun willbe the behind-the-scenes cut-throat diplomacy and back stabbing.

Each turn, players will have ONE WEEK for diplomacy & negotiations, and then a max of FOUR WEEKS to finish their battles.

Hopeless battles can be SURRENDERED to save time.

Economic Support
A regime may wish to prop up a friendly regime via “lend lease” by transferring Production Points to this regime by notifying the GM of this move during production/unit acquisition phase. (limit: 5 PP’s)

The winner is the regime that achieves WORLD DOMINATION and controls all regions and has eliminated all competing regimes or forced them to surrender.

Regimes can at any time surrender – their remaining regions will be up for grabs from adjacent regions.


That's all I got so far -- this will only work if players basically run this along themselves -- the GM (me and hopefully a helpful assistant) will only process the strategic map portions of the campaign to maintain FOW.

Players need to police and chase up slow play etc ... also with QB's there is no need for the HUGE workload for the GM of building scenarios.

What will be helpful is a pre-assigning QB maps to regions (say, 3 per region which then can be randomly selected before start of the battle) -- create a RISK QB map pack, save and tag maps for easy selection)

Open to suggestions ... still unanswered issues with the actual QB parameters ... how to handle settings like WEATHER and RARITY ... and do we limit BIG CATS for the Axis players?
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Great stuff @Rico :D

Here are some thoughts I have, especially about the QBs:

1) You could also have Poland as another Nation and then only have two Axis forces, Army and Waffen-SS. Just and idea, balanced Axis and Allies are also fine.

2) Since this is not a historical setup, I would set RARITY to NONE. Let players have some freedom to try things out.

3) I wouldn't put limits on Axis BIG CATS. I usually did not have much success with them anyway when playing in QBs - at least no correspondingly to the price I had to pay. Also, I've found that for some strange reason, a lot of the Shermans you nowadays face in QBs as an Axis players are Fireflies. ;)

4) As the time frame for the QBs, I would suggest September 1944 in CMBN, this should provide the most choices for equipment.

5) About Weather, maybe it is possible to have a weather determined randomly each turn for each of the 6 continents (to keep it simple). This could be shown with a small graphic on the map. Or just leave it set to random in all QBs, should also be fine.

OK, these are my thoughts so far.

Oh, and btw, I would like to throw my hat in the ring to play in this. :)
Great stuff @Rico :D

Here are some thoughts I have, especially about the QBs:

1) You could also have Poland as another Nation and then only have two Axis forces, Army and Waffen-SS. Just and idea, balanced Axis and Allies are also fine.
Good idea -- worth thinking about -- was under impression the Polish OOB was too limited, but it seems ok.

2) Since this is not a historical setup, I would set RARITY to NONE. Let players have some freedom to try things out.
That's my first instinct too ... wouldn't mind canvassing more opinion on this.

3) I wouldn't put limits on Axis BIG CATS. I usually did not have much success with them anyway when playing in QBs - at least no correspondingly to the price I had to pay. Also, I've found that for some strange reason, a lot of the Shermans you nowadays face in QBs as an Axis players are Fireflies. ;)
Probably the US player who will be most affected by this is my guess ... would need to check how expensive the Big Cats get with rarity switched off.

4) As the time frame for the QBs, I would suggest September 1944 in CMBN, this should provide the most choices for equipment.
That's fine -- anway, seems with Human Select on QB maps, pretty much all of them are avaiable -- would want to avoid the too claustrophobic Bocage maps, though.

5) About Weather, maybe it is possible to have a weather determined randomly each turn for each of the 6 continents (to keep it simple). This could be shown with a small graphic on the map. Or just leave it set to random in all QBs, should also be fine.
Good idea -- easy to do.

OK, these are my thoughts so far.

Oh, and btw, I would like to throw my hat in the ring to play in this. :)

Here are some thoughts I have, especially about the QBs:

1) You could also have Poland as another Nation and then only have two Axis forces, Army and Waffen-SS. Just and idea, balanced Axis and Allies are also fine.
Good idea -- worth thinking about -- was under impression the Polish OOB was too limited, but it seems ok.

2) Since this is not a historical setup, I would set RARITY to NONE. Let players have some freedom to try things out.
That's my first instinct too ... wouldn't mind canvassing more opinion on this.

3) I wouldn't put limits on Axis BIG CATS. I usually did not have much success with them anyway when playing in QBs - at least no correspondingly to the price I had to pay. Also, I've found that for some strange reason, a lot of the Shermans you nowadays face in QBs as an Axis players are Fireflies. ;)
Probably the US player who will be most affected by this is my guess ... would need to check how expensive the Big Cats get with rarity switched off.

4) As the time frame for the QBs, I would suggest September 1944 in CMBN, this should provide the most choices for equipment.
That's fine -- anway, seems with Human Select on QB maps, pretty much all of them are avaiable -- would want to avoid the too claustrophobic Bocage maps, though.

5) About Weather, maybe it is possible to have a weather determined randomly each turn for each of the 6 continents (to keep it simple). This could be shown with a small graphic on the map. Or just leave it set to random in all QBs, should also be fine.
Good idea -- easy to do.

OK, these are my thoughts so far.

Oh, and btw, I would like to throw my hat in the ring to play in this.
I would like to join in with this, too ...

I agree with Mad Mike's suggestion on rarity to none ... it's not as if we are sticking anywhere close to reality :)

Nope doesn'tlook fixed.

Just had a look ... set up a small QB ... Fireflies start with only 3 crew members and no commander.

Apparently it also affects some Cromwell AA's and Stuarts as well in British & Canadian units.

BUT - it seems the bug only affects tanks bought as SINGLE VEHICLES ... if you buy them as part of a tank platoon in an established TOE like a Tank Regt or Btn, then the vehicles are OK.

So, there is a way around it for the QB's -- if a bit of a hassle.
@Rico Single Vehicles, ya I forgot it only affects that. The allied player may be at a bit of a disadvantage just because his options are limited.
Some more stuff which came to mind:

1) I guess the Vehicle Pack could be an option if both players have it? It would give even more variety.

2) How about artillery and air support? Should there be any limit to it (only organic fire support)? I personally am not a big fan of this and would leave it unrestricted, maybe with the exception of the VERY CHEAP American Rocket Artillery (Xylophone).

3) Fortifications would be great to have, but I guess there is no way to do this with QBs?
Some more stuff which came to mind:

1) I guess the Vehicle Pack could be an option if both players have it? It would give even more variety.

2) How about artillery and air support? Should there be any limit to it (only organic fire support)? I personally am not a big fan of this and would leave it unrestricted, maybe with the exception of the VERY CHEAP American Rocket Artillery (Xylophone).

3) Fortifications would be great to have, but I guess there is no way to do this with QBs?

1) If both players have it, Vehicle Pack will definitely be an option.

2) I'd leave arty support unrestricted ... it'll cost lots of points and might leave the side thin on the ground with other stuff.
Also -- we'll be using medium/large maps only -- so more room to deploy.

3) Nothing stopping you from buying fortifications -- trenches/minefields etc in QB's o_O
I know, I was (in my mind) referring to fortifications paid for on the strategic map, with Production Points.
Otherwise, fortifications (with the exception of TRPs) are not worth the points in a QB as defender, IMHO.

No big deal if we won't have them. :)

I know -- but anything to avoid the time-consuming hassle of building battle scenarios for which I have little time these days.
@PhilM @Odin @DasTiger @eniced73 @Bootie @Mad Mike @Floki

Here's another option that's been lying dormant for a long time ... CM:Risk - EUROPA


Same basic rules as the World CM:Risk ... with small addition of simple NAVAL warfare rules ... to launch an attack across any of the seas besides the marked crossing points, you need to buy and deploy a FLEET.
Simple die-roll by the GM will decide outcome of naval battles.
So for example, if you want to attack Libya from Greece, you need to have a FLEET controlling the Central Med.
You can only deploy a fleet into a Sea area that has a coastal territory under your control bordering it.

Fleets would cost as much a Tank Armies to build and supply.

There are 48 territories (as opposed to 42 in normal Risk) ... and 8 Regions:
1. British Isles
2. Scandinavia
3. Western Europe
4. Central Europe
5. Southern Europe
6. North Africa
7. Russia & Balkans
8. Middle East

Dark brown regions and small islands are out of play.

Similar system to normal Risk -- I would as GM random draw territories for each regime (go with 6 again)

Each regime parks their Capital City where they think best and away we go.
I like the sound of the Europa version. I think a game of that would get my vote
Some thoughts:

- IMHO capitol cities - the way they are now - are a bad idea. You cannot afford to loose it so nations cluster around them. But they are randomly spread over the map. Two capitols may end up bordering upon each other while others sit alone far away from anything. That is a lot of luck right from the get go.
I suggest that players can assign a capitol but loosing it does not end the side. You loose the points and it takes a turn before you can designate another territory as new capitol. The attacker gets extra points for conquering it. Makes them important but not all-important.

- when two sides simultaneously attack a territory the bigger army should take precedence (by purchase value). On a tie whoever submitted the order first goes first.

- demobilising should not deprive a territory of its last unit

- voluntary retreats into own territory should be possible

- how many units can a fleet transport? Is there a limit?
Rico needs to keep it simple and banging. Too many rules bog these things down in my opinion. I sort of liked the random drawings and challenge of getting dealt a shitty hand to see if you can persevere. I know Rico would not put a BS draw into play. In fact I believe last time he called a redraw at the start? I also like the protect your city or else. Just my opinions though and not saying they would make it a better RISK.
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