Damn politicians



With the start of the Labour leadership , the MILIBAND brothers have now said that the war in Iraq was wrong and they were againts it!! It sickens me that they sat on their hands when they should of spoken out. But no, they were more interested in their own ladder climbing and sucking up to Blair,it just reinforces my view that most politicans are in it for themselves and not for me and you!!
In Greece their party lasted almost 40 years, they ate everything, spend evrything ,made fortunes that royalties will envy
and now they are responsible for the rescue of our economy!!!
And me i keep asking, where is the rope??
In Greece their party lasted almost 40 years, they ate everything, spend evrything ,made fortunes that royalties will envy
and now they are responsible for the rescue of our economy!!!
And me i keep asking, where is the rope??

Things are pretty bad there still??
There were salary reduces and tax increases this period as they are trying to find a solution to stabilise the economy.
Speaking for my self,as i dont have loans or an overload credit card,i m not so much affected.
More or less life is same, maybe i ll save less each year or i wont go that extra trip in Europe that i was planning but no drama.
Situation is bad for the people that were used to live on borrowed money and were taking loans and had 10+ credit cards and had all those things that normally with their salary couldnt afford.
Now not only they cant pay their obligations but the find it difficult to make a living.
With the start of the Labour leadership , the MILIBAND brothers have now said that the war in Iraq was wrong and they were againts it!! It sickens me that they sat on their hands when they should of spoken out. But no, they were more interested in their own ladder climbing and sucking up to Blair,it just reinforces my view that most politicans are in it for themselves and not for me and you!!

Actually, David Miliband has said no such thing (unless he's changed his mind in the past few days, i havn't watched the news recently), and Ed Miliband wasn't even an MP at the time of the Iraq War
There were salary reduces and tax increases this period as they are trying to find a solution to stabilise the economy.
Speaking for my self,as i dont have loans or an overload credit card,i m not so much affected.
More or less life is same, maybe i ll save less each year or i wont go that extra trip in Europe that i was planning but no drama.
Situation is bad for the people that were used to live on borrowed money and were taking loans and had 10+ credit cards and had all those things that normally with their salary couldn't afford.
Now not only they cant pay their obligations but the find it difficult to make a living.

It just shows that if you live within your means, don't get into too much debt, and have some savings, that you should survive. That works for individuals, and governments alike. It's to bad we can't get it though the politicians thick heads.
I don't think it's just the greek politicians who have a thick skull, from what i've heard there is something wrong with the general public services mindset of the greek people (i'm not trying to generalise or insult here). After all havn't there been acts of violence against the government by people who are opposed to all the budget cuts?
Yes, you might be right Jonny, but people do some pretty stupid things when they are under severe stress, EG losing homes, jobs, and savings.
Politicians of all democratic countries only have power because people voted for them, therefore the blame lies with the voters.
For example one British party (which I support) said it will pull Brit troops out of Afghanistan, but most people voted for the other parties who are keeping our troops there.
So when the bodies of dead Brit troops are flown home,I think "that's not my fault".
Politicians of all democratic countries only have power because people voted for them, therefore the blame lies with the voters.
For example one British party (which I support) said it will pull Brit troops out of Afghanistan, but most people voted for the other parties who are keeping our troops there.
So when the bodies of dead Brit troops are flown home,I think "that's not my fault".

POS my friend, you have just contradicted yourself. The first part of your post says "therefore the blame lies with the voters." and as you said yourself, you support a party which I would assume you voted for. Then you say that you think "that's not my fault" when the government does what the majority of votes voted them in to do. I assume you voted and by your own words you must be at fault as a voter, then you are saying in the next sentence it is not your fault . Can you see the contradiction in the statement.
POS my friend, you have just contradicted yourself. The first part of your post says "therefore the blame lies with the voters." and as you said yourself, you support a party which I would assume you voted for. Then you say that you think "that's not my fault" when the government does what the majority of votes voted them in to do. I assume you voted and by your own words you must be at fault as a voter, then you are saying in the next sentence it is not your fault . Can you see the contradiction in the statement.

Sorry if I didn't make it clearer mate, let me try again- I never voted for any of the main parties because (among other things) they're keeping our troops in Afghanistan against the wishes of me and a sizeable number of other Brits, so hell will freeze before they ever get my vote.
I support a party that will bring our troops home if elected, but sadly that party was beaten in the polls.
So you see, the people who are responsible for troop deaths are the politicians of the other parties and the people who voted for them, my conscience is clear..:)
I don't think it's just the greek politicians who have a thick skull, from what i've heard there is something wrong with the general public services mindset of the greek people (i'm not trying to generalise or insult here). After all havn't there been acts of violence against the government by people who are opposed to all the budget cuts?
Indeed the mentality was/is tottally wrong, as the mentality so far was u ll put me in a job i ll vote for u, together we ll steal the state.
Now that the barel its empty the same people(politicians) that were giving money,loans, overfloating the public services with not needed employees they
are pretending to be the savers of the state.
There were riots and acts f violence but mainly because the people were outraged as the same people that were running the country for 20 or so years and they are mainly responsible for today's mess ask from people to make sacrifices while none of them has been jailed so far.
As far as i m concerned i sleep well at night,i m paying my taxes each and every year trying to be productive at work and justify the wage the state is paying to me
I wish that i could change sthing but i m lacking a huge jail and a couple of armoured divisions :)
Sorry if I didn't make it clearer mate, let me try again- I never voted for any of the main parties because (among other things) they're keeping our troops in Afghanistan against the wishes of me and a sizeable number of other Brits, so hell will freeze before they ever get my vote.
I support a party that will bring our troops home if elected, but sadly that party was beaten in the polls.
So you see, the people who are responsible for troop deaths are the politicians of the other parties and the people who voted for them, my conscience is clear..:)

Yeah, no worries mate. I'm with you. All the D*ckheads that voted our labour government in, are now ruing the day, and wondering how they could have made such a mistake. The mess we're in now is not as bad as some, but we shouldn't be where we are now. the thing is none of them will admit to voting for them. But someone must have and it wasn't me:)
Yeah just because the majority vote wins the day doesn't mean the majority is right.
Classic example is when Pilate said to the crowd "Who shall I set free, Jesus or Barabbas the crook?", and the majority voted for Barabbas..;)
Hey we saw much the same thing at the recent Brit elections, where the people voted for many crooked main-party politicians even though they'd been caught fiddling their expenses.
A vote for the main parties is a wasted vote, they might just as well be firing blanks-

"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user"- Theodore Roosevelt
I believe we would all agree that the majority of politians are liars and crooks doing things you and I would get time for. I also believe that we would also agree that the large world banks are cooking the books and having the people bail them out of the issues they have created. Our govn'ts are involved with them in this fraud by allowing it to happen, the main stream media is also to blame for not reporting the truth until it is plain as day to the average person.( they [media] are also owned by a small group of people who have the hands covered with this mess also.)
Here we are complaining about what person, in what party, says what and when, that my friends is a small part of a larger picture. We vote always for the lesser evil but you know what that means...WE ARE STILL VOTING FOR EVIL!
Even if we vote for a party that stands out from the main but would never get elected even on a good day...is that not a wasted vote? I use to be of the opinion that one could not complain unless they voted, but that is changing...i pay taxes and therefore I have a say if I vote or not. It is my money that helps run the country.
In Canada we have three major parties and a fringe party. The Conservatives who have a minority at the present time,the leader of this party is a stiff person who will play any card to get votes i.e. the christian card, the offical opposition are Liberals with a lawyer who has lived outside our country the past number of years and looks like a snake from a horror movie when he smiles, The third party is the New Democratic Party ( labour to most of you folk) if he did win an election he would crap himself for sure. The fringe party is the Green Party and they do get enough votes to allow them to fight for a position in the debates( a waste of money) I have voted for these losers often as of late but i am tired of spitting in the wind. Until we have a govn't that is seated by popular vote nothing will change. Even then I hold out little hope.
The only way to fix the world or a country is for us to follow the money and it will lead to the biggest thieves and then I will produce the rope if i have to weave together grass to hang the buggers. Bring it down and start over....we could cal it wayne's world LOL
...We vote always for the lesser evil..

Yes that's one of the big problems certainly here in Britain, the voters think they've GOT to vote for somebody even if they think all the candidates are krap.
They say stuff like- "I think candidate 'C' is a complete waste of space, but I voted for him anyway just to spite 'A' and 'B' who are even bigger wastes of space"

Me, I vote for NOBODY unless I think they shape up..:)
...Even if we vote for a party that stands out from the main but would never get elected even on a good day...is that not a wasted vote?..

It's all a matter of personal conscience and honour mate, I'll vote for a small party every time as long as they go on saying the things I want to hear, even though I know they'll lose the majority vote.
If I ever vote for one of the big useless parties you can measure me up for a straitjacket..;)

PS- This poor squaddie even had to pay for his own artificial limbs under the Labour government, disgraceful--


No 2054172, to vote for a party that supports your views and ideas is not a wasted vote even if they stand no chance of winning.The more that vote for small party the better chance of having their views being adaopted by the so called main stream parties and change can be made that way.
The only wasted vote is to vote for a party you dont support but think they might get the other lot out!

I sing from the same hyme book as Poor Old Spike.
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