DAR - Al Hufq Meeting Engagement - No Peeking NG : )



Ok so I heard Nathangun was getting shock force so I got him to set up a game to get him going (there arn't enough shock force players here : ( ). I'll start off with a little disclaimer, I have totally fallen for CMSF, i think I may even enjoy it more than CMx1, the level of detail and realism you can achieve is absoloutely amazing. I will allways defend CMSF despite it's shortcomings without being a BF fanboy, which i'm not, I don't mind voicing my criticism especially when they go and muck up something as fundamental as the User Interface controls. I'm going to make this AAR as detailed as possible to give non players a good feel of what the game is like to play, this should be easy as it's a nice small battle we are playing.

Anyways, NG decided on Al Hufq Meeting Engagement, a battle i've played a couple of times as blue vs AI where i trashed the AI and once as red vs Johnsy, where I ended up surrendering after 5 minutes as all my men had been killed or routed.

Here is my setup.


I have 1 mechanised rifle platoon which consists of

1 HQ Unit - 4 Rifles, 1 LMG, 1 Sniper, 1 RPG
2 Rifle Squads - 7 Rifles, 1 LMG, 1 RPG
1 AT Unit - 1 RPG, 1 Rifle

1 BMP2 - This has a 30mm cannon and an AT-5 Anti Tank Guided Missile system mounted (BTW for those of you used to WW2 small caliber auto cannon be in for a shock, these are EXTREMELY effective, i've even taken out a T-62 with a barrage of 30mm from a plt of warriors)

All units are regular

I know I'm facing a US Heavy Infantry plt (if I remember correctly 3 x 9 man rifle squads with a HQ unit) and a bradley, this makes this a pretty balanced fight, although the Syrians have a bit of a disadvantage in that it is dusk and i do not have any night vision equipment, and also the syrian command and control systems are not up to scratch really, although with only a plt this shouldn't matter as long as i keep the HQ safe. One big disadvantage with the syrians is that the squads do not have radios, as such I have to keep visual contact with the HQ in order for them to be in command. C2 effects are taken into account a lot more in CMSF that CMx1, I did a test the other day and very poorly trained and motivated troops will panic and even rout if their plt HQ gets taken down even if they are not under fire themselves (see this game just gets more and more amazing)

Basic plan is to get 1 squad and the AT team to the 2 story building as quickly as possible. The AT team will take the top floor and the rifle squad the bottom. The other squad will move up on its left for flank security and the HQ squad will stay in the building behind. I have learn't the very hard way not to put troops on rooftops, I think at the moment there is actually a bug with the rooftops but normally unless you're at least 2 floors above the enemy it isn't worth it. Another problem I have is that the syrians cannot split their squads (not a game factor, it's a doctrinal issue, they only work at a minimum of squad level, there is no team leader in the squad who could take command of a sub-squad or team, NB the syrian special forces and airborne can split squads i think). As such my squads will make very nice targets for the 20mm bushmaster on the bradley.

The BMP will be moved forward cautiously, i'm going to try and get it in keyhole positions between the houses. One thing you see is that, although the weaponry changes a lot of the tactics don't.
Minute One

Not a lot to report, RPG team is in the house, rifle squad following up.

Minute 2

Holy CRAP!

All hell breaks loose. I had my BMP in a position (although i didn't realise it at the time) that covered the most likely route for the bradley, I foolishly ignored this opportunity and rushed it off for what i thought would be a "better" position. As soon as it moves the brad turns up and they exchange autocannon, mine predictably misses (it was a fast move), his hits but fortunately only does minor damage (yes thats right, individual systems within the vehicle are tracked for damage!)

You can see here the damage it did, the radio optics and tracks were all damaged, indicated by the crosses next to them being smaller.


After it had finished whacking my BMP the bradley then sprayed the top floor with an unhealthy dose of 20mm. This killed the RPG guy, but the other guy is ok so all is not lost. A great feature about this game is the "buddy aid". If a friendly soldier gets injured you can send a friendly up to him and he will become a medic! If the guy has been killed (yes, individual soldiers are calculated as dead or just seriously injured on the battlefield, not just a random factor calculated at the end of the battle) it doesn't take long as all he does is take his weapons off the body, if the guy is seriously injured then it takes a lot longer but the injured troops will have less chance of dying. So I can get my RPG back! : ) (note: hopefully, if your RPG/Jav whatever guy is injured by something big, say a tank round or an arty shell then the equipment he is carrying may also be destroyed with him)

The left hand squad then moved out for the left building, they were already tired so only moved on quick as they went straight across the bradley's line of fire : O, it was devestating to see 7 out of a 9 man squad just dissapear before my eyes. Fortunately the other squad arrives in the tall building and quickly delivers a HE AT-7 round to the bradley which quickly brews it up. One squad for a bradley isn't exactly a good squad. There are still plenty of AT-4s lurking out there that could easily do the same thing to my BMP.

After firing the RPG the squad in the 2 story building hightail it outta there, fortunately they just hide behind the building and don't go anywhere stupid. I'm going to send them back in there and see if they can hold it.

Video of the action

Minute 3

I sent my rifle squad back into the big building but they took small arms fire and ran back out almost straight back out. The remaining ok guy from the squad that got decimated has had enough. Covered in his buddy's bodily parts, he takes off his excrement stained trousers and gets the hell out of there! Routing is treated differently in CMSF, once they rout they are gone forever, it's more of a "i can't handle anymore" sort of complete breakdown rather than the CMx1 style "RUN AWAY!"

Minute 4

Not too much happening here, the surviving member of the RPG team is interrupted from giving first aid to his downed buddy by a burst of enemy fire, the rifle squad i sent back into the same building soon come running straight back out yet again so i'm going to see if i can rally them for a few minutes behind that building.

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