DAR - City of Lights (Fredrocker)



Bletchley_Geek and I are going to do a DAR on the scenario City of Lights, I will be the Axis Forces and BG will be the Allies. This DAR will be special in that you will be able to access the actual games files at City of Lights DAR. There are no password on the files. So you can follow along with the posted DAR and you can see the action play out if you want...

To start out here is the info from my brieifing on Intel and Mission.

There was an attack on the town of Lumbres yesterday, and while we did defeat and push the Allies back, Divisional Ic has reported a platoon (+) of allied fallschimjager are trapped in the town. Radio traffic has indicated the Allies might attempt an extraction within the next few hours.

Orders have come down from Regimental HQ that we are to attack the town of Lumbres and remove any units from within the town area. Currently we have a small group of squads surrounding the town and we are laying in harassment mortar fire to keep the enemy at bay.



The first thing I need to determine is what are the potential approaches of the Allied forces who are tasked with rescuing the trapped paratroops. Review of the map, and I determine four approaches A thru D. I don't believe the allies would advance down roads, I also feel that it will be a two pronged approach, and that it will be A and B, or C and D.

I setup my units surrounding the town (I will call these scout units) to also cover and spot for the advance of the Allied Forces. There is some limitations within the setup zones but I feel I can cover all the approaches. Small Cover arcs of 30-40 meters are set on the scout units. Also there is an FO and I decide to place them in a four story building that is just south of town.

My placement of the two available TRPs are at the Southwest entrance to town and the Northeast entrance. I believe I can do some damage with linear on-call attacks from these two TRP's.


For my attack, besides the 'Scout Units' that are p[ositioned around the town, I also have 3 Platoons from a Infantry Company, a PzIVH, one StuG III, a 251/1 and off map 120mm mortar with limited ammo, and according to the briefing 2 Sections of 81mm Mortars to be available after 5+ minutes.

Since the battlefield is narrow and the victory location is in the center, I decide to disperse my platoons of infantry as follows. 1st Plt. will be behind the hedgerow on the right flank with orders to toward the north side of town along the roadway (I would like to have them in position by the time the mortars arrive.

2nd Platoon will be on the left flank near the high point (I will call this Hill 101) and advance to the base of Hill 101, between the town the hill and the road intersection. Until my major attack later, 2nd platoon will send a recon team out towards the crossroads on the left flank, and sit and wait for enemy units or the attack.

3rd Platoon will be in the middle between the main road and the small pond. I will 'slowly' advance this unit up to where I have one of my deployed scouts just east of the town. After arrival the flow of the battle will dictate 3rd Plt's fate.

Early on I will leave my StuG, PzIV, and Coy HQ (mounted in 251/1) as reserves as they have mobility and can suppress any early attack if the Allies rush onto the town or the flanks.

My FO will ring up the 120mm off map mortar and lay a linear harassing fire across the town from Northwest to Southeast (this is the reverse of the TRP locations which will be brought to bare later).

Notes, almost all units have a 50m or less circular cover arc at the start.

Stay Tuned for updates
Minute 45 - 44


It sure didn't take long to have some ? contact, it looks like there is approaching units coming down the south side of the main road into town. I hope to identify the unit/type and possible strength. It is important to see if this is a main force or just recon at this point.

There is four other ? contacts within the town and the outskirts, the two ? contacts on the Northeast edge of town concerns me, as they are close to where I had planned for 1st Platoon to lay in wait. I will revamp my plan to 'skirt' around the North side of town (Hopefully without being spotted) and setup position near the hedgerows and the Northern east-west road. I will really need those woods on the Northeast corner of town, so if I can identify those units, I might have my 81mm mortar's drop some rounds in that area when they arrive... Fortunately there is a TRP right there.

2nd Platoon should be able to advance without incident to the area west of Hill 101.


I need to cautiously move 3rd Platoon up to the woods just behind the hiding scout near the building.

My StuG, PzIV, and HT-HQ can still stay in place... These will be needed upon major contact or when I initiate the attack (hoping around the 25 minute to go mark, or earlier if possible).

Two rounds of my harassment 120mm has fallen that should keep those troopers heads down that are in the town.
Minute 44 - 43

Well my 120mm Mortar Fire is falling on target in town. As seen below there is destroyed vehicles from the previous days fighting.


Everything is looking good with my harassment fire, shells will be dropping for the next 7 minutes... This should delay the Allies from marching straight into town, and also keep the paratroopers in town surpressed.


Movement plans for the next few turns are as planned from previous turn with the addition of Obergefreiter Schumacher's Tank Hunter team moving south to have a better view of the road (I need to Identify the ? Contact that just appeared south of him). Also in red you can see Obergefreite Jacob slow move forward to the west, now there are three ? contacts and I want to better understand what I might be dealing with here.

I get the feeling my opponent is trying to get units away from the town and maybe counter-attack with them later.

Minute 44 - 43 - Continued

The next three shots show the detailed movement orders for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Platoons. I want 2nd Platoon to keep an eye on the crossroads and lay in wait for the main attack on the town.



Minute 41-39


The west side of town is still a big question of what is there. I have many ? contacts and it looks like some are coming out from town (scouting perhaps) and some are coming eastword from the main road area. I get the feeling that my opponent is starting to question where my units are. With a maximum LOS of about 35 meters it is quite easy to hide from him, the down side, I see some of his units but have no clue what they are... I have a feeling over the next few turns the Tank Hunter teams will be lilghting up something or will get lit up themselves.


I have 2nd Platoon (Jork) in the exact spot where I want them, each has a cover arc of about 30 meters (See HQ for area)... I will leave them in a hide and observe position here until the attack starts. In the next few minutes I will bring the StuG up the road another 50-75 meters if all stays quiet.

My goal on the south side is not to give away this position till the last moment.


On the east side of town I have identified a depression that I would like to slip a scout and/or a squad into. I have determined that I will be initiating the main attack with 3rd Platoon (Jens) coming out of the depression and from the woods and building beyond.
Minute 41-39 - Continued


I radio Leutnant Jens and inform him he will be leading the attack and he orders his men to move into some preliminary positions to catch a glimpse of how far forward he can advance before he will attack. I am hoping that these units are not identified. A look around the area shows two nice size craters in the woods on the north side of the road. I think I can make the Allies believe the main attack is coming from Leutnant Jens direction, and when they migrate to the East side of town I will hit them from both the northern and southern flanks (Will be great if I can pull this off).


With Jacob's Scout Unit at the end of the hedgerow on the Northeast of town I still have not seen the sound contact move (or even be identified) . I feel comfortable in starting to move 1st Platoon (Hinrichsen) in and around the wooded area so they can get into position for the attack.


Also Hauptmann Freidrich and Leutnant Froschauer are moving into position to support 1st platoon with attack.


I believe Tank Hunter Team (Walke) will be the first to have contact within the next minute.

Overall I am happy with my plan and the overall location of my troops, I believe my plan will work, but the key is 'When to trigger the attack', too late and I might not be able to root the Ami from the town, too early and I might be in trouble trying to hold the town...

It is time to sit back and respond to my opponents actions and not to rush into anything. I sure hope that my opponent is not getting much 'intel' on my troops and that is driving him crazy... Plus it looks like 2-3 more minutes of Mortar fire on town, then I will hold off on the fire before bring my 81mm units into play...

I would love to get some feedback on how screwed up my plan may be or not be...
Rick you are so great with photoshop! Man I love this DAR.
Rick you are so great with photoshop! Man I love this DAR.
Thanx Bram... I use to use photoshop when I was working, now I use Gimp (which is free) and find it has all the features of photoshop minus the 3rd party plug-ins and the SDK... Can't afford photoshop ($1800 for CS-Suite)... Adobe has priced the home user out of the market... Would love to have Flash, can't find anything comparable to it...
This is great! It's hard to write a coherent account of a battle, but your analysis-plus-pictures does the trick. I haven't downloaded the turns themselves, but posting those is a nice touch as well.
Minute 38-37


3rd Platoon is in position to start the attack. Next thing to consider is the timing of the attack, I am leaning to go by the 28-30 minute mark.


I am happy with all my locations and at the point where I can wait and see what unfolds. I have three ??? areas of concern as I don't know what the Allied Forces consist of in these areas, but I do have recon units in position to hopefully identify and cause some damage as enemy units show themselves.

I will be plotting a 81mm Mortar attack to the east of town, I am waiting on Tank Hunter (Walke) to ID what should appear next turn. With the FO and the TRP, rounds should be on target within 2 minutes. I am very comfortable with this approach area.

Towards the Northwest a new 'Contact' has appeared, not sure what this is will have to wait on this. These units might determine my time of attack as I don't want to get flanked from the North. Because of this sound contact I am going to move the HQ's (Freidrich) and the 251/1 towards the west. I will need someone to 'call' arty if this new 'Contact' turns out to be sizeable. I will like to get the HQ up to the defense line of the Tank Hunter Team within the next 3 turns.

All is quiet with the 2nd Platoon on the South, I will keep slow moving up the StuG towards the crossroads.

So not to much to report as I sit and wait, when the action pops I have a feeling it will be intense.
This is great! It's hard to write a coherent account of a battle, but your analysis-plus-pictures does the trick. I haven't downloaded the turns themselves, but posting those is a nice touch as well.
Well the idea was all Bletchley_Geek's, so credit goes to him... In Operation Desert Lance for CMSF he is doing a DAR on a battle he is waging with Boche, and from his writing there, I feel mine will be quite a bit lacking, I can't wait to read his DAR on this battle when it is over to compare notes and ideas... Again thanks G G B, appreciated
Minute 37-36 *** FIRST CONTACT

Tank Hunter Team (Schumacher) makes first contact with an American Patrol approximately 20 meter behind their hiding postion.


Schumacher opens up with his MP40 and takes out a GI...


A different angle...


Schumacher sidekick, Soldier Woikin tosses a grenade at the other GI's that are spotted...




Woikin is shot and killed while Schumacher watches... Schumacher is slated to run (while spraying MP40 fire in the direction of the GI's) to the nearest gap in the low bocage and dive through to the other side... we will find out within the next minute if he made it...

The only other action on this turn is all my 120mm Harassment fire is done on the town of Lumbres... Its time to start getting ready for the attack...
Minute 36-35

Well the gallant Obergefreiter Schumacher trying to get to safety after identifying a major GI attacking force, makes it about 40 meters and then succumbs to a rifle shot.


RUN Schumacher RUN!!!


A sad day for the 1.116 Battalion


A concern arises as a sound contact appears to the east of Scout (Moler), How did a unit get there and what is it... This concerns me.

The schedule for the 81mm rounds to arrive is two minutes and I will make a judgement next turn if I should adjust to increase the delay another minute or so. So far the American advancement has been slow, but now with all the sound contacts it seems like the main force is coming in from the west on both sides of the road...


This turn I will 'tighten up second and third platoons. Third platoon will make the initial attack right down the road into the east end of town... When they get the go order I want them to be in perfect position. Town assaults require many different movement orders to be executed properly (I have played around with this in my multiple play tests of Sie Kommen II, so stick around for something really different)...


I will tighten up first platoon though I am still concerned about what is directly west. I will keep moving Hauptmann Freidrich forward in his 251/1 till he will reach the Tank Hunter Team hidden on the side of the building out front of this defense line.

Also will bring up the PzIV a little farther, when 1st Platoon attacks the PzIV will be in support right behind it.

One big concern I have is the lack of HQ assets to perform on-call arty if my FO gets taken out... I will need to get the three platoon HQ's in good position to call arty but not expose them (will be interesting in this LOS/LOF limited view)...
Minute 35-34

Minute 35-34 has some good action and it looks like some of my sit and wait paid off... Three key areas of action where I fell I inflicted some decent damage to the enemy.


See below for A-C action screenies...

Action A...


Obergefreiter Kitzler's Scout Team who moved into the corner of the field to cover any approaches is sitting in ambush. All of a sudden GI's appear (at least two sets of contacts) and Kitzler's team opens up with their three MP-40's...


Some carnage ensues and I count at least 5 enemy dead without a single shot being fired at Kitzler's team... I need to run his team out of there based upon sound contacts, or else they are going to be wiped out.
Turn 35-34 - Continued

Action B...


At the same time about 80 meters North of Obergefreiter Kitzler's team, Obergefreiter Freudlund's Tank Hunter Team sitting and waiting has their ambush triggered by multiple GI's appearing right in front of them..


The MP-40 and MP-44 show their awesome short range firepower as GI's start to stumble and die...


The few GI's that try to escape over the wall fall victim also... I count at least 6-7 GI's dead... another good ambush that was worth the waiting... (I actually hate the wait part as a player, but it does pay off frequently in the long run... patience, patience, patience...)

Action C...


And once again almost at the same time another 120 meters North of Obergefreiter Freudlund's team, Obergefreiter Molek's Scout team identifies GI's moving down the Northside road... Molek grabs a potato masher and releases....


What is interesting here is that due to the short LOS Molek only see's one GI and then throws his grenade to a point he cannot see (He is leading the moving GI... that is pretty cool and I have never seen it before...)
Turn 35-34 - Continued


The potato masher goes Kaboom... Not sure of the damage but based upon the Sound contacts I hope for good results... I am afraid for Molek's team as they are basically surrounded...


Movement orders for the turn consist of:

Team Kitzler: quick move to woods 10m west of position and setup for additional ambush.

Team Freudlund: sit and wait, arty on the way so they are stuck in place... Hide

Team Molek: fight, fight, fight, cause as much carnage as possible... again Molek is trapped, such is the life when set to ambush in front of the lines... I hope he was a volunteer...

1st Platoon, Leutnant Hinirichsen gets orders to tighten up his units and keep an eye westward for the multiple sound contacts coming his way.

2nd Platoon, Leutnant Jork starts to tighten up his platoon also... diring the last minute a infantry team eliminated two GI scouts in the area...

3rd Platoon, Leutnant Jens keeps his troops in postion for the initial attack, I order Jens to move up about 8-10 meters and get in position...
Turn 34-33


Ok, looks like my scouts have caused some damage and it is time to start to prepare for the upcoming attack. I believe I will initiate the attack in 3-4 minutes after my mortar rounds fall on the East-South-East side of town..

3rd Platoon will lead the attack, and bust into town through 3 separate corridors, my goal is to clear out the first two row of buildings and then send some scouts deeper into town... Sound contact are at a minimal in this area so I feel I can get a foothold on my initial attack..

Team Kitzler and Freudlund are ordered to sit and wait for ambush possibilities, if the enemy passes them by they could become a thorn in the GI's ass as the battle gets going.

I have ordered a last minute change for my 81mm mortar strike; originally ordered as an area strike of about 60m in circumference, I have 'adjusted fire to a linear fire based upon sound contacts... The additional delay of one minute should also ensure arrival on enemy troops (I Hope...lol)

1st and 2nd Platoons will wait a few minutes after the initial attack to see the enemy's response and to provide flanking support.

Also I will tighen up Leutnant Froschauer in the PzIV and Obergefreiter Kinkel in the StuG in support of 1st and 2nd platoons. I am concerned that these weapons are not as potent in this LOS and will need to ensure that infantry clears up the areas pretty good before moving into the outskirts of the town. Once I have decent controll of the east end of Lumbres, I will move the StuG and PZIV in to town to defend main roads..

The next three screenshots show the position of 3rd Platoon led by Leutnant Jens.



Turn 34-33 - Continued


1st Platoon Movement orders; I am having Hauptmann Freidrich exit his vehice and go to ground in the field north of 1st Platoon. Meanwhile the core of the platoon has orders to tighten up for potential flanking attack.

I order Obergefreiter Jacob,s Scout Team to move east and cut through a hole in the hedgerow and work his way into the angled building on the North East side of town. If the enemy decides to exit town this way on the initial attack Jacob's 3 MP-40s will mow them down.


Here are the 3 proposed attack routes for Leutnant Jen's 3rd Platoon... I will initiate via the squad behind the building coming right up the right side of the road and upon hitting the intersection have the other teams move down the side LOA's (Jump off in 3 minutes)


I need to put the Squads/Teams back together for 2nd Platoon, currently there is no sound contact activity in the area and with full squads they can 'assault' when the time comes. (I usually split squads early to perform recon/scout functions but when getting ready for attack I prefer them as a whole).
Turn 33-32

Well my arty has started to fall on the west side of the town, and there is plenty of sound contact over in that area. The question becomes how much damage is being done. Obergefreiter Freundlunds Team is involved in the only identifiable action during this minute (see below).

I have ordered 1st Platoon (Hinrichsen) to tighten up around the Northeast side of town. Also have Scout Team Jacob moving into the house on that side of town.

I am moving one squad of 3rd Platoon into the woods on the east side of town, right next to the Schreck Team... Also they will become a single Squad again in preparation for the attack on the town.

2nd Platoon is getting orders to tighten up so the Squads become single again. and I moving the Schreck Team to the south side of the road to protect the left flank Obergefreiter Kinkel in his StuG.


Team Freudlund spots some GI's 15 meters in front of them and Freudlund tosses a grenade (highlighted in red) at them....


After the explosion killing the GI's an Armoured Car appears to Team Freudlund's right.


With the Arty shells falling all around the area, Obergrefeiter Freudlund grabs his Faust and starts to aim at the enemy Armoured Car...


Now I am ****ed as Freudlund pulls down the Faust and starts to run for cover... at 25 meters, he should have had the balls to take out that Armoured Car... #@%$^$


Well the Arty keeps falling, and the next turn highlights should be up soon...
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