DAR - City of Lights (Fredrocker)

The Saga of Tank Hunter Team Freudlund

As stated in the previous portions of the DAR, Team Freudlund has been causing some damage to the GI's in their area. With only two men armed with an Mp40 and a Mp44 and two PzFausts Team Freudlund is performing at a high rate of success...

After Running away with his PzFaust from the previous minute, the team is still targeting the Armoured Car.


The Mp40 comes to life another GI or two bites the dust.


Below we see that they are still mowing down GI's (This battle has shown me how potent automatic weapons can be)


And More GI's


A whole field filled with Dead GI's... and there is more on the other side of the wall

The End of Tank Hunter Team Freudlund

After continuous combat for the last serveral minutes, Large Explosion Rocks the low bocage and eliminated Team Freudlund... we will see in the After Action Report how much damage these two truppen have done... My main concern as I go back to continuing the DAR is what the heck was that explosion that took out Team Freudlund... bigger than a greande, I think bigger than the 37mm on the Armoured Car... ut oh....

Turn 32-30

Back to the action and my FO in the southern extremities of town has spotted a squad of GI's and another Armoured Car. It looks like they are getting the drop on my FO...I think I can kiss that unit goodbye next turn...


Being concerned with my Northern Flank up by 1st Platoon, I take my Northern forward Schreck team and after they killed a GI last turn, Quick Move them Backward and then try to get them in place for another quick hit... This is about the only unit that is protecting a map edge flanking move on 1st Platoon so I would like to keep him healthy so I do not have to place another asset up there.


Its time to get ready for the attack on East Lumbres...

3rd Platoon will lead the attack... one final move up of a squad before giving the go next turn... My objective is to secure the town to the bend in the road. I am hoping to draw the units (sound contacts) Northwest of Second platoon up towards the town and then hit them from the back side... This includes the Armoured Car and GI's spotted by my observer..

The FO's current linear attack will be arriving in the next minute and should keep any enemy troops on the Southwest of town pinned during my attack.

Team Kitzler is now going to be playing a main roll in trying to discover what took out Team Freudlund... I need to determine what the enemy has west of the town entrance... I will leave Kitzler in ambush position for a minute or three and then move him toward the location that Team Freudlund occupied. (Don't rush, wait is the best policy)

2nd Platoon will continue to tighten up on the southside... and Kinkel in his StuG will wait in support of 2nd Platoon... (Again I am not sure how much value the StuG and PzIV will be in such low visability)


On the Northside of town I have a lot going on... First off the multiple Sound Contacts lead me to believe I am dealing with a sizable force... So I set up a linear Arty Strike from my TRP out to the shed North of the road... I have identified potential Attack and Flanking Moves that this force could make... Laying the Arty along that line will give me some security if the force does decide to push east... I am hoping that the enemy will Attack the town and not push East... Uncle 'Arty' arrival is 4 minutes so that gives me sometime to determine what the enemy is going to try in this area... Beside this I am comfortable with 1st Platoons location... I do believe there are enemy units in both houses on the East side of the road leading to town... thus I will not be moving to give away any potential recon for the enemy..


Stay tuned for the upcoming action...
Things are starting to get hot now...

Great reporting, Fredrocker! Loving it!
Turn 30-29

Well over by my FO, I have spied a M8HC that is sitting in the field to the west of my unit. This is the first sighting of an M8HC and explains now what I believe took out Team Freudlund. With all the sound contacts and spotting of an Armoured Car and multiple Infantry units, it looks like it is only a matter of time till my FO will be toast.
I take off his covering arc (which was only the width of the building) and give him a target command at the M8HC (hopefully he will drop one of his three grenades into the open roof). Normally with many units around I will not issue a 'Target' command and let the TacAI determine the best units to fire at. (I have found it to do a decent job of this, plus it eliminates some micro managing)


Great news as my Arty is falling in and around the FO. I estimate that I will not have any ammo left in this 81mm off map unit at the end of this barrage.


I am surprised that his M8HC is still sitting in place as the minute clicks down. Maybe the Americans still haven't identified my FO units


Ok, time to plot up the first part of my attack on the town. I will leave my Schreck units in place for now in case anything strange makes an appearance.

Split the squad on the road and send the assault group up to the big crater near the intersection (Pause for 10 sec) and then move them across the road to level 1 of the partially destroyed building on the corner of the intersection. The second team will follow at 10 seconds and hit the dirt at the big crater and setup for fire support of its assault team.

Squad on the right will quick move to the tree line along the road, pause for 20 seconds (looking for enemy fire and/or units) and then Assault across the road into level one of the building on the right.

On the left the MP Scout Team will hunt up to the wall of the building on the southwest corner of the intersection. While the squad there will move up in the woods to their attack and support position.

Turn 29-28

The attack is ongoing and at this point I am hoping that my enemy will pull the units in this area towards the town (Blue Arrows). This would give me the capability of a rear/flank attack with 2nd Platoon. In the next could turns I will be moving my Scout unit to the North and then eastward into the town... Not sure what's in this area, and also maybe I can get an idea of how many casualties my arty caused.


The North side of town is interesting as I have some sound contacts and a little bit of action in the fields, but I keep getting contacts with strange movement. I believe there is some sort of enemy vehicle up here. Hope it is not another M8HC as my Halftrack would be in trouble.


Fighting in the town has less action than expected. On the left some GI's took out a member of my Scout team that was advancing towards the building wall... But my support unit in the Northeast corner of the intersection will lay down fire on that building.

In the building on the Northwest corner my assault squad has taken out two GI's located on the 4th floor of the next building in line.

My right got stalled as some units in the damaged building stopped that squad in its tracks.


The units that halting my right side attack leave the building and while cutting thru to retreat to a building further back are picked off by my Assault Team (good job)...


I am happy with the way things are going... the next couple turns will have lots of information (so be patient)... I will need to determine what to do with my linear arty attack on the northside of town... I will have to keep pusing the attack to drive to my original objective level within the east side of town. And what will happen with all the enemy sound contacts to the south of town... will I get a rear/flank attack on them...
Turn 28-26

Well the action now is heating up all over the map, not what I was hoping for, would like to see more fighting around my center attack so I can utilize my flanking plans, but what the hell, my truppen and I will just go with it...

On the north side of town right in front of Hauptmann Freidrich (HQ) unit a Armoured car appears, Freidrich's aid grabs a potato masher pulls the pin and lets it fly...


What a pretty site a 'nade' is in flight, but concerns rises within the unit as it looks like Freidrich's aid (whom needs to work out more) has thrown the masher a bit short as it rolls under the Armoured car.


Kaboom... it looks good but to my dismay the Armoured car is still engaged.


My concern now is the poetential to be flanked on this north side, which would leave exposed my H/T and my PzIV. I still have a squad from 1st platoon on the north side of the road behind the hedgerow at the end of the field.
Turn 28-26 - continued

Over at the main attack area my truppen on the south side of the main road start to advance into town. All of a sudden GI's start appearing in front of them running to what looks like the same spot (the indent in front of the smaller building by the burnt out StuG)


The bullets start to fly and it doenst look good for my boyz as 2 immediately get killed.


The team leader turns to run as the third of the four truppens takes a bullet in the back. Needless to say this is a blow to what I thought I could achieve without many casualties. I underestimated the strength of my opponent in the east end of town... I lose three of four members of my south side Assault Squad who I was hoping could work their way into the three story building on that side of the road. Meanwhile in the background you can see some of the support teams moving up behind the first building on that side of town.


Now just right on the other side of the road from the previous action my oponent is moving another group of GI's right towards the building I am occupying. I am starting to think that the GI's are just getting to town and maybe they are a form of a counter attack. This can work to my advantage if I can figure out where they are coming from.


My truppen in the building cut loose with their weapons and in a second four dead GI's litter the street. At least I got some revenge for the action on the other side of the street.


It is still quiet on the south side of town where Leutnant Jen's platoon lays in wait.
Turn 26-25

As 3rd Platoon's HQ Leutnant Jork advance to the house on the north west corner of the intersection, both the HQ and a squad advancing to the next building down come under fire from the north. If you look closely at the window behind the GI standing by the telephone pole you can see Obergefreiter Jacob's team in the building behind. They did not spot any of these GI's coming down this road and that does concern me. Notice Soldier Bruno taking aim on the GI.


Nice shot by Bruno as the GI takes one in the belly.


The action heats up as it looks like a whole squad of GI area attacking down the street. Bruno who is being brave or stupid (not sure which) is standing in the middle of the street picking off GI's. This will build morale within 3rd Platoon I hope. GI's are falling at a rate of 2 to 1 vs my truppen, this is another good sign for my boyz.


As Soldier Bruno holds off the attack he turns and starts to head back toward the woods (WHY!!!) and this is where I have my first WTF MOMENT... note the time in the first screen below 25:05, note the time in the second screen 25:05... see anything different in the street???.. If you use the GI running away down the right side of the street you can see why I am ****ed off (I could see the GI but not the M8... it must have that new stealth paint on it or Aris did a real good job on the camo...lmao)... I now can confirm that burning night light does NOT improve spotting/sighting.. At this point, I understand why Soldier Bruno was running back to the woods...



Now I need to determine what I will need to do for the next turn, as that M8 HC could potentially ruin my whole attack... Stay tune to see what else might magically appear during the upcoming turns...
Turn 25-24

Well we left Soldier Bruno in the middle of the street, face to face with an M8 HC, and as I figured, KABAMM, a dead Bruno...


On the Northside of town my 81mm Mortar attack is starting to fall and it looks like there are a lot of enemy sound contacts in the area... I realize that this linear attack was very close to 1st Platoon's forward sections but I figured since it was 'keyed' off a TRP it would be very accurate (and it seems I am correct)


As the Arty is falling Hauptmann Freidrich's unit scurries back toward the 251/1 located 30 meters toward his rear. At the same time the lone PzSchreck Soldier scrambles backwards too, hopefully the Arty will do some damage to the M8 A/C's wheels that is next to the shed.



Shells are now saturating the area and all I can hope is a am doing some damage to the enemy foe.

Turn 25-24 - Continued

Back by Obergefreiter Jacob's team in the house on the Northeast side of town, the Arty downpour has made some GI's run for cover. Jacob's team gives them a real warm welcome and they are left to lie in the street with their wounds.



Back in the street Soldier Bruno and his comrades are littered across the area as the M8 HC has vanished again as I have no 'eyes' in the immediate area. That will change within the next minute..


So far it has been a good few turns as my last count shows I lost 6 men KIA and 4 WIA, but count a least 11 enemy KIA... I will need to re-charge my attack to go deeper into the town in the next few minutes. And I am hoping by the 21-22 minute mark I might be able to trigger my Northern Flanking plan.
Turn 24-23

It seems there are more troops entering the town from the Northern side, Obergefreiter Jacob's team who took out a few GI from the frontside of the building they are in, now observe GI's running behind the building.


As they turn to repulse the attack, more GI's are left dead on the ground.


It is now time to put everything in place for my flanking attack from the Northeast. I will move Leutnant Froschauer in his PzIV to a spot at the edge of the hedgerows near the road and the house that Obergefreiter Jacob's team is in. From here they can support the attack of 1st Platoon.


The overall situation looks pretty good for my truppen. I will need to push 3rd Platoon deeper into town the next couple of minutes, and once I am ready with 1st Platoon start my flanking attack.


I still have a concern with what my opponent has up on the Northern Road just west of 1st Platoon.
Turn 24-23 - Continued

This is just a little sequence of events that I thought was funny during the battle with 3rd Platoon entering the town...

A GI runs around the corner...


He runs right by two truppen who turn to fire


Scratch another GI..... but wait


Just then another GI comes around the corner...


This time my two truppen can't get him, I hope they were out of ammo, or they will be shot after the battle...

Hey, Fred, are you guys still playing this? I don't play CMBN (yet), but I really enjoy reading this DAR. Great battle! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Hey, Fred, are you guys still playing this? I don't play CMBN (yet), but I really enjoy reading this DAR. Great battle! Can't wait to see what happens next! :)
Yes we are, but right now BG has some RL Issues, hope to pick it up soon... It is at the point of 'make it or break it' for my Truppen... Thanks for following this...
Thank you both for taking time to write these stuff for us!
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