Decisive Campaigns: Barbarossa

This is the game where is a good idea to read books about the theme. My choice was Paul Carell (Unternehmen Barbarossa, Der marsch nach Rusland ) in this case ;)
OK been reading the manual, dipped into Matrix Forums too - Nice to see there are complaints that the German command structure is too complicated/conflicted (THAT'S the F***ING POINT!! :mad: IDIOTS!!) and makes it difficult to win as the Germans!!!

Been following the progress of this game ever since first DC game was in development - always liked the look of it, some very interesting design decisions. I am a sucker for operational and bigger games that take into account the background politics of the situation. As a board gamer many years ago I was fascinated by Vietnam 1965-1975 (look who's boasting now, He rarely played any of these games due to lack of friends :))
I played Vietnam 1965 -75 a couple of times - absolutely brilliant simulation of the overall conflict. For anyone who doesn't know it, the US player could commit a huge number of troops to counter NVA combat units, but as more units are committed, so the home morale drops - essentially its a balancing act, and the NVA player gets to quietly pull the strings all the way - a very fine example of a good simulation.
Also did lovely stuff with the South Vietnam politics, US player could interfere in elections, generate coups. Game success was based on pacifying population, both sides had different objectives and means of fighting. Great stuff. (Very complicated, caused several brain melts just reading rules the first time).

Always struck me that this would have been an excellent game to convert to a PC game, but unfortunately it is such a niche within a niche, it's never happened. Yes there is a vassal version (been tempted; but where's the time); anyways getting back on topic DC Barbarossa gives me hope that such a program will one day be available.
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