Thanks, that's it on the AAR front from me for now. I'm off to play Rico in PBEM. It's a great game if you like operational level games, but with only five scenarios, and no editor, there is a very valid argument to be put that it is quite limited. But with the variants, and how long it takes to play the longer scenarios, I'm happy enough with the purchase.
Ok, I have kicked off the PBEM game vs Cillmhor -- my Germans have begun the invasion of the Netherlands -- Arnhem has already fallen and the Fallschirmjaeger have landed south of Rotterdam...scattering quite widely though :-/
This should get interesting... the Germans are on a tight schedule and not sure how easy that will be against a wily human opponent like Cillmhor as opposed to the AI.
Well, Rico is putting the Dutch defenders to flight, where is my inundate the second waterline card... Reports of devils from the sky at Dordrecht!
Just curious: are the Royal (Dutch) Marines depicted in the game ? In the real war they put up very stiff opposition (certainly compared to the regular Dutch forces) in defending the bridges in Rotterdam. The Germans called them "schwarze teufel" (black devils).
Yes they are there, along with one or two other elite units, these units have better morale than regular Dutch troops, and are generally better. They are probably not as elite as they should be, but they are better.
And so Rico breaks me in record time, grrr..., bring back the AI:) Well done Rico.
Great AAR cillmhor, of the scenario that led me to fall in love with Warsaw to Paris, the overrun of the Netherlands. Its a part of the war I knew little about until I stumbled onto it in this game. Before I'd fathomed out the Action cards mechanics, I had tried to use plain manoeuvre warfare to get past the Dutch wall and their soggy polderlands. Naturally, I failed to do it within the time alotted. Without the terror bombing of dutch cities and the German paratroop drops behind enemy lines (conferred by the use of the Action cards), the breakthrough into the Dutch mainland was very tough going.

Now that Advanced Tactics Gold is almost done, and near release - I think Vic (the dev) will be switching focus on another in the Decisive Campaign series. *yummy* :)
I love this game, I had been a fan of the SSG Decisive Battles series (which reminds me I'l have to check it works on Win 7), but this early war title is great. I'm really looking forward to other titles. The variants make up for the apparent lack of scenarios. I'd like to try out free deployment in PBEM, that would add another twist to the French Campaign for instance.

Thanks for that Berty, I've been through that site at the time I was writing up my Slag Om Nederlands AAR. I think the inundation of the poldarlands is such a unique event that it caught my imagination during the defense of Holland in the early days. Much is written about the Allied push through the Netherlands in 1944 but not much about the early stages in 1940.

How many other conflicts have forced the Dutch to use this flooding method of defense, or is it just limited to WWII?
Thanks again, the more I learn about the Dutch defensive line, the more interesting it gets. Are there any other examples of this sort of large scale geographic defense in other wars, I wonder?
If you are a member at Slitherine this title is on sale till 05/10/2012, less 25%.
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