Welcome back. Following on from the last battles, in turn 4 I've chosen to make 3 assaults. The first is to take Saint Mere Eglise. This will be made by the K & G Coy, 2/502nd. We saw G Coy in the previous battle and they are now at around 60% strength, whilst K Coy had pooled forces during the morning and was at 90%. Defending St. Mere Eglise were 4/Georgian, 795 Btn, the same Regiment as the first battle, 739th Grenadier Regt, and an attachment of 75mm AT guns. The time was 10 am, I pulled my forces together and set out to take Eglise.
The previous battles were from the box QBs. I chose for this one to do some simple AI scripting to see if I could spice up the German defense. I didn't do anything fancy, just adding some more movement and designating specific groups. I did two plans, both similar but with differences on the flanks. The AAR gives the result....
PzC battle 3 - Assault on Saint Mere Eglise.
The objective is simple, secure the town of Eglise; it's main building of notice being a large church on the west side of town. It is surrounded by brocage and small orchard fields. Eglise sits on a slight elevation, with the road heading south running through a minor defilade. My initial plan is for K Coy to do most of the work, it's attack route will be the green line. I'll hold over-watch points at the X's, then break the platoons out for the final assault. G Coy, in it's weakened state will act as right flank protection, pink lines, and then follow K Coy into the town, cleaning up behind them and acting as suppression support as needed. There's a reasonable count of houses east of the church, cleaning them out may get messy so if I can pin the Georgian's and prevent them from retreating that direction I will. I'm thinking G Coy might be able to do this in their second arrow tip.
The first push forward is uneventful. Scouts run ahead of both Coy's to ensure we don't run into any ambushes.
(Here's the church, here's the steeple, open the doors.... where's all the people?)
(Two lead para's from 502nd, G Coy)
Scouts from K Coy reported back sighting German pickets. 1st Platoon advanced forward, setup quietly and then opened up to fix them in place, an assault squad pushed on the pickets flanks to try and finish.
(1st Platoon, K Coy, mortar team open fire on the German forward scouts)
The 4/Georgian troops gave limited return fire, then made a quick dash to retreat before the assault squad could close in.
(Casualties as the Germans break cover and run for it)
The German scout party dashed directly north and K Coy gave chase. It seemed the scouts were part of a group in the north western AO. I ordered 2nd Platoon to identify and pin any force in that area into the NW AO, trying to prevent them linking up with a force in Eglise and the urban area. It was a rapid dash, with 1st and 3rd Platoons trying to cover 2nd's rapid advance. G Coy picked up their pace on the right flank, keeping pace with K Coy. 2nd Platoon were just too late to prevent the NW force from escaping. As the rest of the Company caught up, I decided to continue the pursuit into Eglise and try and keep the momentum. I had AT gun sound contacts which looked like they were being moved by foot. The more I could catch in the open, the less urban fighting. I ordered G Coy to setup over-watch in a group of houses to the south west of the church. They'd now be more than a mop up force, they'd be part of the main assault.
(K Coy secure the NW AO, and prepare to assault east. G Coy secure over-watch)
As K Coy's assault advanced they started to catch-up with the slower rear elements of the retreating German force. I tried to leap frog the squads forward, pinning any retreating forces and then closing quickly to finish them off.
(K Coy watch an abandoned AT gun with unease)
It's not long before G Coy also start to spot moving German soldiers. It looks like the entire Company is pulling back into the buildings east of the church, exactly what I was trying to prevent. It was looking more and more like the 502nd would have to go house clearing.
(G Coy open fire on retreating Germans from their over-watch positions)
It seems the 502nd were also facing some mortar units. Spotter rounds came in, and eventually the barrage, but it was behind the quickly advancing para's
As K Coy started to enter the built-up area west of the church they started to get into street fighting. It's close quarters, and usually very messy for both sides. I wanted to keep a good advancing pace, but not lose Platoon cohesion and took a lot of care how I advanced, ensuring squads provided cover fire. I wanted to prevent any panic breaks into enemy fire arcs.
(Troopers move to catch a hidden Georgian trying to ambush another squad)
(Meanwhile another squad storm the building, catching the ambush distracted, and from behind)
Because the Germans were retreating so quickly, it was difficult to keep them pinned. Often squads would setup to cover, suppress whilst another squad stormed the building, only to find it empty. I continued to try and keep the pace as tempered as possible, to ensure cohesion.
As K Coy got closer to the church the fighting started to intensify. The Germans had started to hold their ground, some units inside the church, others on the eastern and western flanks.
(Good spacing from troopers of 3rd squad, K Coy)
Some German forces started to surrender, I thought the pace might have worn out the enemy and broken them. I stepped up the suppression fire and started to setup a surrounding force on the south western arc of the area
(as troopers storm a building the German squad puts it's hands up and surrenders)
A few seconds later and a Panzerschreck rips through the house, killing the surrendering soldiers, and almost half the assault squad. There was still a lot of fight left in the Germans. It just hotted up from here.
As K and G Coy tightened their arc on the defending force they started to bunch up. It doesn't take a lot to take heavy casualties in this situation, I got them pouring on suppression fire on every building and hedgerow they could see.
(Squads of K and G Coy fire into the farm yard south of the church. A sizable force are on the other side, and a HMG)
A few minutes earlier, I sent G Coy HQ, 1st Team, 3rd Platoon lead and a squad south east in an attempt to prevent any Germans from retreating south. As the fighting intensified I brought them back north, to try and squeeze the defending force from the south. They were a small team, so they shouldn't engage anything big, but they found targets of opportunity.
(1st Team spot a Opel truck and open fire. The driver managed to reverse, drive off turning left, and escape around behind the barn.... not good shooting from the Regt. Exec.)
As the fighting continued in such close quarters I started to see what I'd been dreading. I had to press home the attack to try and limit my casualties.
(a second German grenade, bottom right, just before it detonates. The first had already killed one trooper and wounded another. The second grenade took out the guy on his knee)
Meanwhile, as the truck escaped the poor shooting of the 1st Exec, it rounded the corner and the driver jumped out. Shortly after the empty truck was sprayed with MG fire.
(I never did find the driver, not sure if he survived the battle)
A German fire-team had set itself up in a corner overlooking the farm yard to the south, they were out of LOS and had good cover behind the building. As teams from K and G Coy started to get mixed together, setting up cover arcs and assaulting buildings, I started to lose command cohesion. With bullets flying and grenades exploding a panicking team quickly rattles troops around and then stupid things happen.
(an assault team is ambushed by the hidden German team)
(the rest of the squad make a break for it, in the wrong direction. They run directly into the line of fire, dashing across the farm yard into the enemy teams and take further casualties)
The initial assault had gone well. I'm not sure if that was my method of advance, or because the Germans had been retreating. Now, as I tried to push home that advantage I was starting to pay for the ground. Taking the church and the buildings to the east could be very costly.
More to follow.