DoubleD's Gallery

Every time I watch one of your videos, I think that I will just watch a little bit, but end up getting drawn in and watching the whole thing.
Gripping. Makes me want to play a game again. It's been quite a long while!

One thing that I think is important in the videos is occasionally showing the overall battlefield to see the big picture (which you do).

That artillery was impressive. I wonder what caliber it was. I also wonder of Koldo had TRP's.
Also, any idea of the effectiveness of your off-map mortars? It was a bit unclear to me.

Wow, Kittyhawks! 6 .50 caliber HMG's?

Also, any idea of the effectiveness of your off-map mortars? It was a bit unclear to me.

Glad you liked the video. The Kittyhawk doesn't get much press vs. the more know WW2 planes.

To try and answer your question; of the 160 casualties inflicted by my Tommies (Approximately)
25 Kittyhawk
50 infantry
40 on-map 81mm mortars
5 on-map 2 inch mortars
40 off-map mortars

The numbers are based on a post mission map review, rounded, and some of the off-map may have actually been officer small arms kills, but this would have been minimal. If the off-map kills had been zero, I would still have considered them to be effective because they did what I wanted them to do.

The primary role of my off-map mortars wasn't to cause casualties, it was to try and interdict and shape the battlefield by slowing Koldo down or denying him certain areas for a period of time. For example the open area on my left flank. Casualties were a secondary gain but not the goal. My on-map mortars were intended more as a direct LOS killing tool. I think this is demonstrated; 4 on-map mortars, total around 240 rounds, has approximately the same casualty count as 10 off-map and 1,000 rounds.
Makes sense.

Not a bad score for the Kittyhawk(s) either.

Yeah, I don’t use air support a lot in WW2 CM because I’ve had too many friendly fire incidents. On this map they worked really well, probably because it was so open. I liked the sound and atmosphere they add to the video as well
My latest video following a CMBN Campaign. I'm want to do something a little different with the story telling, if you want to get involved drop me a PM, send an email or post here. I mostly need Canadian/American accents, but I'll need a couple of Brits for the 22nd Dragoons in the next battle!!!

Thanks to @Ithikial for the campaign and a special thanks to @Concord & @Rambler for stepping up and helping with the pilot. I hope people enjoy the different perspective :)

Every time I see a new post in the topic I <click> on it expecting...(Scarlett Johansson)


...and then I get disappointed all over again.
Hopefully, this photo will ease the burden of those who follow.
To distract from the varied pictures of female décolletage here is the second video in the Lions of Carpiquet campaign. It's taken a while to get everything sorted, it's a lot more time consuming than I thought. I had a great response from the YouTube community and a lot of great voice acting, there are some people that really captured their situations on the battlefield :eek:

At the end of the day I've done this for a bit of fun, but I hope it's enjoyable for others.

Magnificent @DoubleD!
Gripping. Awesome battle footage, and the radio comms really paint the picture of the massive coordination taking place amidst the chaos.
I imagine it would have been a big challenge to coordinate this yourself! The story, the battle footage, the radio comms. Great work!
Magnificent @DoubleD!
Gripping. Awesome battle footage, and the radio comms really paint the picture of the massive coordination taking place amidst the chaos.
I imagine it would have been a big challenge to coordinate this yourself! The story, the battle footage, the radio comms. Great work!

I'm glad you like it, I think it's come out well for the first battle. As some YouTube comments have pointed out, parts of the wording and protocol are incorrect but I've struggled to find genuine information relating to WWII radio protocols and vocabulary used. I'm hoping with the the feedback I'll be able to refine the verbiage to get better in subsequent battles. There's still 5 to go (y)

I'm looking forward to mission 4. :D

Yeah, I'm working through that at the moment. No spoilers, but each turn is taking me about 15 to 20 minutes from first action review to pressing The Big Red Button again. So far I've probably spent nearly 14 hours just on the battle, not close to a finish and I have to win. I've then still got the video editing and scripting once I've finished the battle :eek:. I can't imagine playing the battle on real-time, it would be impossible to manage all of the rear area logistics.
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