Just curious. What holidays are those? Nothing going on in the USA a/t/m. 
In Europe, "holidays" can mean what us'ns American hillbillies know as "vacation". I think the phrase is "on holiday" the way we say "on vacation".Just curious. What holidays are those? Nothing going on in the USA a/t/m.![]()
I will be starting today. @Mad Mike, the armies are going to be Byzantine 1038-1039 AD against Berber (Murabit) 1038-1086. Which one do you want?I think all battles are up and running...
@Mad Mike & @Wellsonian - I don't have details for your battle for GREECE , have you started?
1. GREECE - White attack from Constantinople - @Wellsonian vs @Mad Mike (battle challenge details to be announced)
2. GASCONY - Blue attack from Francia - @HOA_KSOP (French 1155 - 1319) vs @Mad Mike (French 1155 - 1319)
3. ENGLAND - Red attack from Scotland & Ireland - @Nathangun (Scots (Isles and Highlands)) vs @Rico (1050-1319 or English 1155 - 1271)
4. SOUTH-EAST GERMANY - Green attack from Lombardy - @Mad Mike (Italo-Normans 1050-1060) vs @Rico (German (Imperial) 1050-1154)
I will be starting today. @Mad Mike, the armies are going to be Byzantine 1038-1039 AD against Berber (Murabit) 1038-1086. Which one do you want?
You got it! Game will ne Up in a couple minutes.Hm, difficult, both look like good, fun army lists. I will try my luck with the Byzantines this time.
Ya think?That is some seriously brutal RNG!
That just nasty.As usual, I am getting my ass kicked coming and going. I spent the exact amount for troops, but have had three units with generals break and rout on their first round of combat. Like 1 round and they bail. PUSSYS!