Round 7 is complete -- BLUE recapture CASTILLE and contest GREEN's control of Southern Europe region.

1. CASTILLE - Blue attack from Gascony - @HOA_KSOP (French 1050 - 1154) vs @Alpha Zwo (Castilian/Leonese 1050 - 1154) -- BLUE Victory (+35%)
2. LIVONIA - White attack from Poland - @Rico (Polish 1058 - 1154) vs @Nathangun ( Rus 1054-1154 ) - WHITE Victory (+8%)
3. POLAND - Red attack from Denmark - @mTk (Bohemian 1200 - 1319) vs @Wellsonian (German (Imperial) 1200 - 1319) -- WHITE Victory (+44%)
4. HUNGARY - Green attack from SE Germany - @Mad Mike (Hungarians (1200-1319) vs @Rico (Germans (South/East)1200-1319) - GREEN Victory (+41%)

1. CASTILLE - Blue attack from Gascony - @HOA_KSOP (French 1050 - 1154) vs @Alpha Zwo (Castilian/Leonese 1050 - 1154) -- BLUE Victory (+35%)
2. LIVONIA - White attack from Poland - @Rico (Polish 1058 - 1154) vs @Nathangun ( Rus 1054-1154 ) - WHITE Victory (+8%)
3. POLAND - Red attack from Denmark - @mTk (Bohemian 1200 - 1319) vs @Wellsonian (German (Imperial) 1200 - 1319) -- WHITE Victory (+44%)
4. HUNGARY - Green attack from SE Germany - @Mad Mike (Hungarians (1200-1319) vs @Rico (Germans (South/East)1200-1319) - GREEN Victory (+41%)