I have FOGE and am quite enjoying it at the moment. I don't think I'm up for multiplayer just yet, need to get a better understanding for what I'm doing first. I'll keep an eye on this thread though.
@Josey Wales@Wellsonian
We (Wellsonian & I) have been messing about with the multiplayer. We are currently playing the 15 move scenario.
I hope we can get 3-4 players to player the global game on around the 1st September.
The FOG2 part of the game does not come into play in the multiplayer version... it is just Empire battles only.
So it appears to move along quite smoothly (but I tend to loose most battles as I relied to much on FOG2 battles in my solo games!)
Perhaps you can put your name down for this?
We shall pre-select for countries in close proximity!
@Nathangun@poesel71@Wellsonian@Badger73@Josey Wales
Have set-up a multiplayer for 8 players … We could have 6 players so far... have left places for 2 more.
Password: FOGE
Pick a country, and away we go!
"The sinews of war are infinite money."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
I have to cover the unexpected costs of mundane existence at the moment. The game is on my Steam wish list and I hope it goes on sale after I've rebuilt some savings for it.