Final Blitzkrieg - messing about with campaign ideas

I'm In if you need an Axis player. I'm enjoying the campaigns running here. Just PM me and I'm there.
Excellent work.... however I want to put something to you.

The FGM has numerous campaigns tournaments on the go on a regular basis. Your ideas seem to be the ones that frequently end.... whereas some others disappear due to lack of interest.

I would like to put together a definitive FGM rule base that all campaigns are based on... based on your system.... do you think we could do that.

Good idea boss :)
(I'm guilty to the point above also :oops:) but always try to add some new ideas :p
Inbetween some insane work deadlines been doing a bit more work on this ... OOB's are mostly figured out -- should start building template OOB's to speed up scenario construction once we get going.

Meanwhile built a few more counters ... samples of the German (SS Pz, Pz and Armeekorps) and American HQ's .... these will carry the heavier arty assets to support battle (probably limited to 120mm or 107mm mortars, maybe some Nebelwerfers, 75mm batteries) -- if they manage to get into range and stay in supply. :D

Also toying with the idea of having Fog Of War in this campaign -- so a couple of FOW counters for spotted/encountered units that have not been ID'd yet -- this often only happens in the CM battle.
Also marker for hidden US fuel dumps that need to be captured by the panzer spearheads if possible.

If do not own the game but would like to participate in some capacity, higher level staff or commander if there are these kinds of player roles.

If do not own the game but would like to participate in some capacity, higher level staff or commander if there are these kinds of player roles.

I recomend him for that role! If there are more commanding roles to be filled I would love one to. (Even in a US role. I'll pratice on my US accent with a touch of German) Sie enemy is komming :D
Slowly, slowly, step by step, progress is being made with this campaign...

Reinforcement schedules nailed down -- weather charts next ... I think the movement points allowances work out -- needs to be tested next.


The individual "mini-division" OOB's are also all being worked on ... below the 2nd Panzer Division lined up ready for action.
2 Pz Div OOB.jpg~original
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Please, please, please don't let me miss this!!! Looks great!!!
@Rico : I'm interested, if you still need Axis players... Eventually i can also switch side to US Army (in case you need players)..
This seem very promising!
After a work-enforced hiatus, had a another quick look at this and realised the "mini divisions" are probably too big, esp. the Panzer & Armored divs ... actually even the US Infantry divisions which have a sh*t-load of attached Tank and TD assets.

Basically, the upshot is that if there are a max of 3 divisional sized units in a zone, the battle becomes a reinforced battalion-sized OOB affair ... and that will not make for fast-flowing campaign play as the battles will takes ages to set up.

Dilemma is, if I make the "divisions" too small, they'll probably evaporate too fast as they take casualties.

Let me see if I can come up with a solution to this...
I would certainly would like to get into an endeavor like this!
May I suggest that you keep the unit strengths as you suggested but allow only a fraction of the unit to attack/defend in the actual battle. Frontline units in the Ardennes should have not been able to throw the entire division's fighting strength at a single place simultaneously as easily over the plains of Russia. This could simulate the marshaling of units through the roads.

The remainder of the strength could be thought of being brought up front through the clogged and congested road system or as reserves when the "tip of the spear" has been blunted. Let the player choose to mix and match is given units in the Division to see fit how he will attack a particular objective. The player may have several "fresh" units in subsequent battles but older, used units refresh, resupply, or reorganize with other (possibly battered) units to form a more cohesive force in future battles. Players initially would have fresh units to throw in the first few battles but eventually would have the unit's fighting strength diminished to the point there would only be enough troops to field in a single battle and no reinforcements.
Dilemma is, if I make the "divisions" too small, they'll probably evaporate too fast as they take casualties.

May I suggest that you keep the unit strengths as you suggested but allow only a fraction of the unit to attack/defend in the actual battle. Frontline units in the Ardennes should have not been able to throw the entire division's fighting strength at a single place simultaneously as easily over the plains of Russia. This could simulate the marshaling of units through the roads.

On the face of it, not that I have any experience in these things, but @Kromyr's suggestion does seem a nice way to keep the force sizes/battles small, whilst also providing a feasible reinforcement system/theme such that those same small forces don't succumb to your dreaded evaporation...
The one thing to be aware of is the House Keeping it takes if one is to track supply etc to say Company or Platoon level...
Bootie and I got into that with a Shock Force Campaign we ran here 4 or 5 years back...
Just some food for thought

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