Dutch Grenadier
As the title reads...
Ya I think it is cheaper for me to sneak covertly across the US Border, hitch a ride to Battlefront HQ, break in through the back warehouse door, log onto the Battlefront computer, send myself the CMFB game and then call in my personal black ops chopper and head home to play it.
Hmmm, everyone it'll definitely be cheaper to to chip in to crowdfund Darth Panzer's plan! Let's see if we can get it sorted ASAP (And I can get a reward of a lifetime pass to BatttleFront's games by dropping Darth Panzer in to Battlefront - win-win)
Be glad you aren't Mexican. That would be 1025 pesos.
We Aussies resemble that remark! AUS$1k more like.....