Final Blitzkrieg release date?

  • Thread starter Dutch Grenadier
  • Start date
Already looked into it, but to print it at an online store based here... 132 pages is about $20 ea with a run of at least 100. Yeah probably still worth just paying the UPS their exorbitant rates to look in an atlas and work out where Australia is.
I use to buy the actual physical game along time ago, but now I just buy the digital versions now. The manual is usually just copy and paste from previous versions of CM, with just a few updated fixes.
Further, in terms of actual release date:

I'm sorry if I've missed it, but has there been any announcement of the actual release date? Are we talking days or weeks?



No exact date, but we do try to ship within 4-6 weeks. Me thinks it will be significantly less than that, however it will certainly be more than days. The Demo will be up within 1-2 weeks by the looks of things.

Already looked into it, but to print it at an online store based here... 132 pages is about $20 ea with a run of at least 100. Yeah probably still worth just paying the UPS their exorbitant rates to look in an atlas and work out where Australia is.

It's probably the Australian tariffs that make things so expensive.
Waclaw was banned for making an honest statement in the forums. I really enjoyed his sound mods. I guess I can skip CMFB.
Waclaw was banned for making an honest statement in the forums. I really enjoyed his sound mods. I guess I can skip CMFB.

Sigh, I do not think that is a fair thing to say. Warclaw was baiting and being snarky. Anyone is free to express their opinion of value of any particular game if they like but he has a habit of instead of creating a thread to express his opinion he pokes around in other threads in such away as to derail them and annoy people. = Trolling -> finally being banned.
Sigh, I do not think that is a fair thing to say. Warclaw was baiting and being snarky. Anyone is free to express their opinion of value of any particular game if they like but he has a habit of instead of creating a thread to express his opinion he pokes around in other threads in such away as to derail them and annoy people. = Trolling -> finally being banned.
Sounds like he had it coming to him, we don't need characters like that
I'm with @Boomkow on this one. I don't think Waclaw set out to troll people, just a lot of people on the BF forums didn't like his assessments and ended up arguing with him. Sure he was critical of BF, but for me more often than not his criticisms were valid. No doubt a number of BF forum members didn't like what he had to say, but when I read threads he wrote in more often than not it was other forum members jumping on him rather than the other way round.
I'm with @Boomkow on this one. I don't think Waclaw set out to troll people, just a lot of people on the BF forums didn't like his assessments and ended up arguing with him. Sure he was critical of BF, but for me more often than not his criticisms were valid. No doubt a number of BF forum members didn't like what he had to say, but when I read threads he wrote in more often than not it was other forum members jumping on him rather than the other way round.

Not sure if he was trolling or not but I am always very uncomfortable with the discussion/criticisms regarding content and cost of BF products.

First, I know what I pay for, may agree or not to do so (I skipped CMFI and CMBS mainly because setting was unsuited to my taste) and am always uncomfortable to see people discuss my choices harshly. I am going to try being clearer (sorry for being a non-native English speaker): you always can discuss but I am reluctant to let you suggest that these are dumb choices.

Is a full new setting with all the campaign, battles, maps worth a full game at a full price? I think so. Could adequate and extensive modding be sufficient to allow similar experience with CMBN or CMFI? Perhaps. But these mods are unavailable, the associated campaigns/map/battles are unavailable, I am absolutely unable to do it myself and I am quite fond of these “semi-historical design – with real chunk of military history into it”. Overall, I must say I am quite happy not to pay (of course) but to pay what I think to be a fair price for what I buy. By comparison the next opus is about the price of 4 movie theatre tickets in France (roughly 9 hours of fun assuming you have made the right choice of movie). I had hundreds of hours of fun with the previous games/extensions and will get dozens of hours of additional fun with CMFB. And I do believe that this worth my money.

The last point is the most important to me. Real people are working to allow me some hours of fun. I strongly believe that they deserve to get paid. I have only guesstimation of time and energy to make these products available but as regard to the small community we are, the estimated time, it seems fair to me…

All in all, the above mentioned statements are the difference between some of my previous choices (I am not going to buy this game) and the quite zealous criticism of the future CM opus.

Sorry for this long clarification Odin and it’s not against you… but I must say that his “pay two at the price of three to get one” really upset me.
I'm hesitant to pitch in on this in many ways, as isn't about playing the game we all enjoy, and it's the sort of thing that can spiral downwards if we're not careful: but ...

As one of the contributors to the BF thread responding to one of Waclaw's posts immediately before he was banned, I suppose I have an interest here.

Firstly, as A Canadian Cat said above, this was not just about one post of his, or even his most recent series in that thread in question, it is a whole history; after specific warnings given by BF in that thread to ease off or be banned, and he just continued. So it is repeated behaviour, ignoring specific requests to desist, not a one-off comment of his.

Secondly, as A C C and Strangelove said, it's not about Waclaw thinking that CMFB is poor value for money, and that he will not buy it. He has every right to that view, and to say so as feedback to BF.

However, his post that got me was, in effect - but without quite saying it outright - calling those waiting for CMFB dumb for being prepared to pay $55 for what is merely a "Battle Pack", and thereby also calling BF for daring to sell it as a full priced game.

He was - in my opinion - just hijacking the thread down a somewhat snide, bitter dead end.

That's my two pen'orth, anyway ...
Ah yes... the ole Kate Upton distraction. But I much prefer the Scarlett Johansson distraction myself.

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