First Turn Playability -

I concur with those who say:
1) No pre-planned Artillery first turn strikes for Defenders or either side in Meeting engagements.
  • Attackers may (and likely should) have use of pre-planned first turn strikes. WW2 planners did it all the time
  • Defenders may and should have TRP's, especially for FDF (Final Defensive Fires). Doctrine usually required these be observed positions.
2) No first turn attacks on opponent Set-up Zones. Players should mutually agree on whether and how long to extend that rule for subsequent turns. Size of battle will likely dictate Turn-2 possibly through Turn-5. Default stance should be SZ's are fair game after Turn-1 unless previously agreed to defer a set number of turns.
3) Set-Up Zone may and should be treated as a normal part of battlefield after Turn-1 and before Turn-5.
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