Don't worry about it. Love to play you again. This is not an easy game but you will get better, believe me since I was there myself a while ago. Some observations and tips if I may; Read the briefing. All of it in order to understand your objectives from the mission designer (General above you). Objectives are obviously shown on the map as points to win. You didn't go for any but stayed put and allowed me to take them first and most importantly, consolidate my positions into good defensive areas. I did so and waited for you to attack. You never did.
Remember, you are the commander of the unit, in your little command vehicle within the command platoon or company and your job is to look at the map with all the intel coming in and decide where to send your forces and what objectives they can take now and those they can take later from earlier positions won. You want to be constantly on the move, particularly your command units, only let them stay in one place for maybe 3-4 turns, probably less. I was reading my signal intelligence looking for your command HQ positions and raining artillery down on them when I could; all the while keeping my command HQs moving to new locations within command range of my fighting units.
If you send me your email here, I can send you a good tutorial guide someone gave me in playing this game and learning how it simulates command and control.
What side would you like to play next? How big? Do you want to be on offensive or defensive? Let me know at your convenience.
Again, don't sweat it. We all go through the learning process in this game. It is a superb piece of software.