FOG: Ancients - Pot Luck Battles Campaign - Chiquichops vs Rico

@chiquichops and I have embarked on a series of casual "Pot Luck" battles across FOG2: Ancients covering period from 2550BC to 600AD and keeping track of them on this simple, fun "campaign"map.

We're taking turns setting up each battle.

Dates set from 2500 BC to 600 AD -- (limiting it to 600 AD because regions and names change quite drastically after that)

DATE and GEOGRAPHICAL settings are switched on, as to not make combinations too weird.

The first Army selected in the Pot Luck determines the location of the battle.
Any level of victory captures the province.
If it's a region we've played for before, we'll fight over it again.

It's mostly for fun & variety, so we don't play mirror battles.

We track number of victories and provinces controlled and see who controls the larger empire when we run out of steam ;)

First battle is in ANATOLIA

Me: Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC)

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First battle ended in victory for my Pontic forces -- the final score not reflecting how close the fight actually was.

For the next one the Pot Luck pick sends us into the Bronze Age :

@chiquichops : Makkan (1300 - 1001 BC) vs me: Nomads (2500 - 1001 BC)

Makkan kingdoms would be on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf -- not covered by out map, so we'll play in the closest region: Mesopotamia.



2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) Winner:

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) Winner: @Rico
MESOPOTAMIA battle ends in victory for @chiquichops with his Makkanites (?) smiting my Nomads 67 - 52 = +15% -- tough brawl on some really tough, hilly terrain -- my mostly loin-cloth, spear and shield guys were just not tough enough.

3rd battle set in NUBIA & KUSH --- I get Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops 's Arab (312 BC- 299 AD)

Axum seems to have been an early Christian kingdom arising in Eritrea and at one time dominating much of the Red Sea area until the rise of Islam cramped their style somewhat.

Looks like going to be fun ... I get some elephants and @chiquichops gets camel cavalry and a LOT of bearded irregulars.



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3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner:

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
BATTLE 3 in NUBIA & KUSH ends with a glorious victory for the BLUE Empire -- my Axumites smiting @chiquichops 's Arab army.

We even had some Axumite elephants vs Arab camel cavalry action right at the end!



The random pick keeps us at the eastern end of the map as the action moves to PERSIA:

Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) vs Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) --- Arabs AGAIN!!

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4. PERSIA -- @Rico : Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) vs @chiquichops : Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) -- Winner:

3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
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Well, the Bedouin Arabs were scattered in record time. It wasn't even down to good play on my part or bad play on @Rico 's, they just fell apart at first contact, with a domino effect rout. A welcome win to get back to even points for me.
The easy victory over the Arab Beduins now gives @chiquichops both empires two provinces each.

The next random pick takes us to the opposite end of the map to BRITANNIA.

I got Scots-Irish (50 BC-476 AD) vs Roman (379-424 AD) for @chiquichops .

Crazy bunch of Scots-Irish against very late-Roman army -- should be interesting -- could be another one-sided rout. LOL

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5, BRITANNIA -- @Rico : Scots-Irish (50 BC-476 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (379-424 AD) -- Winner:

4. PERSIA -- @Rico : Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) vs @chiquichops : Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
The Romans steamrollered the Scots-Irish ... the war chariots proved utterly useless and morale of the Roman units was virtually uncrackable, even by my select superior warrior units.

The Red Empire now takes a 3 - 2 lead in provinces.


Next random battle gives us a slightly bizarre:

@chiquichops : Nobatae (298-499 AD) vs me: Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD)
Turns out the Nobatae were Nile valley & western desert kingdoms -- so we set it in Egypt -- not sure how Germanic Horse warriors got to Egypt... maybe some Goths got lost.

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6: EGYPT -- @Rico : Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD) vs @chiquichops : Nobatae (298-499 AD) -- Winner:

5: BRITANNIA -- @Rico : Scots-Irish (50 BC-476 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (379-424 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

4: PERSIA -- @Rico : Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) vs @chiquichops : Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
Kind of fallen behind in updating these ... we've had two battles completed since last update.

In EGYPT my Germanic Horse Tribes (Goths) defeated @chiquichops Nabateans.

In CALABRIA & SICILY my Campanians defeated his Ligurians.

This leaves my Blue Empire with a slight 3 to 4 lead in victories and provinces captured.

Battle has now moved to JUDEA were I get the Nabateans (260 BC - 106 AD) and @chiquichops the Romans (199 -106 BC)

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8: JUDEA-- @Rico : Nabatean (260 BC - 106 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (199-106 BC) -- Winner:

7: CALABRIA & SICILY -- @Rico : Campanian (420-281 BC) vs @chiquichops : Ligurian (480-145 BC) -- Winner: @Rico

6: EGYPT -- @Rico : Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD) vs @chiquichops : Nobatae (298-499 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

5: BRITANNIA -- @Rico : Scots-Irish (50 BC-476 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (379-424 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

4: PERSIA -- @Rico : Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) vs @chiquichops : Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
My Nabateans desert tribesmen scored a shock victory of Chiquichopius's Roman legions... with the Noble and camel cavalry playing a big role. Even the humble massed archers managed to stand their ground much better than expected.

My Blue Empire is now starting to dominate the near east... early days yet.

Battle has now moved to HISPANIA with Spanish Celtiberians (300-10 BC) facing off against Lusitanians (300-10 BC) facing off against each other with very similar army lists.

Will the Blue run of successes continue... or will the western half of the map be painted Red? ;-)

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8: HISPANIA-- @Rico : Celtiberian (300-10 BC) vs @chiquichops : Lusitanian (300-10 BC) -- Winner:

8: JUDEA-- @Rico : Nabatean (260 BC - 106 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (199-106 BC) -- Winner: @Rico

7: CALABRIA & SICILY -- @Rico : Campanian (420-281 BC) vs @chiquichops : Ligurian (480-145 BC) -- Winner: @Rico

6: EGYPT -- @Rico :
Germanic Horse Tribes (260-492 AD) vs @chiquichops : Nobatae (298-499 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

5: BRITANNIA -- @Rico : Scots-Irish (50 BC-476 AD) vs @chiquichops : Roman (379-424 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

4: PERSIA -- @Rico :
Arab (Beduin) (300-636 AD) vs @chiquichops : Sassanid Persian (350-476 AD) -- Winner: @chiquichops

3: NUBIA & KUSH -- @Rico : Axumite (100 - 790 AD) vs @chiquichops : Arab (312 BC- 299 AD) -- Winner: @Rico

2: MESOPOTAMIA -- @Rico : Nomad (2500-1001 BC) vs @chiquichops : Makkan (1300-1001 BC) -- Winner: @chiquichops

1: PONTUS -- @Rico : Pontic (281-111 BC) vs @chiquichops : Bosporan (348-85 BC) -- Winner: @Rico
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